Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

The shelves in the bath and benches are a necessary attribute of each steam room. A key characteristic of this type of furniture is maximum functionality. For the manufacture of such structures traditionally used natural wood. If necessary, they can be collected independently. However, this will require familiarization with some rules and step-by-step instructions that allow you to do all the work correctly.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

What should be the shelves for a bath: design features

Most often in the baths can be found bunk designs. In this case, maximum functionality is achieved with the minimum area required for the arrangement of the regiment. As a rule, the lower tier is used for sitting, and the top for lying. This design must be performed correctly. A slight difficulty lies in the fact that the width of the second floor should be sufficient for it to lie comfortably on it.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

One of the most important criteria is the thickness of the structural components of the canopy – lag. From this indicator depends on the cost of the material. The pattern in this case is the following: the thicker the lags, the more expensive they are. However, it is not recommended to purchase too thin products, as they will sag under human weight.

Useful information! To save on the construction of a bathing shelf, it is recommended to have separate lags at a small distance from each other.

Before assembling bath furniture, you must decide on its dimensions. Shelves in the steam room can have various sizes and shapes. However, there are traditional, the most common dimensions. In accordance with this standard, the total construction height should be 70 cm. The size distribution between the floors is as follows: for 1 tier – 40, and for the top tier – 30 cm.

Distance between lags is a mandatory rule that should be strictly followed. However, do not make the distance too large. If necessary, these products can be performed independently, but for this you need to have at least minimal skills in wood processing.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Before starting the assembly of the bathhouse shelf, it is necessary to prepare materials, tools and make a drawing on which all subsequent work will be carried out. Its creation must be approached with all seriousness, since inaccuracies in the drawing will lead to installation errors.

It is necessary to take into account the number of people for whom the steam room was intended. The size of the room also plays an important role, so you should focus on them. As for the choice of location, it is not recommended to place shelves near the window opening. As a rule, this construction is placed along one of the blank walls, complementing the interior with benches.

Many people advise to use for this purpose material from leafy trees. The reason for this choice is quite simple to explain: conifer boards at high temperatures emit pitch, which, with strong heating, can not only stain the body, but also cause a burn.

Experts recommend choosing boards made from a material that has a low thermal conductivity. Such wood has a limit of heating. If the boards do not get very hot, then you can sit and lie on them without discomfort. Consider what wood species are most often used for making their own shelf in the bath.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Aspen. Aspen is a hardwood tree. This material is common, so it is easy to find and buy. Many people note the healing properties of such boards. Among the technical characteristics of such a material are noted such as strength, resistance to decay and a long operational period.

Linden. Boards from this tree are considered the best in the ratio price-quality. Another advantage of linden products is that they have a low thermal conductivity and a presentable appearance. The shelves of lime boards are aesthetically pleasing and pleasing to the eye.

Products made from this material are easy to process, so they are recommended to be bought by people who have not had experience in working with wood before. It is simpler to make lime shelves in the bath with your own hands than a construction made from another material. When heated, the lime boards emit a very light and pleasant woody smell that has a calming effect. In addition, they are easy to maintain. From the minuses of such material it can be noted that it darkens with time. However, this does not affect the performance of the tree.

Maple. Many experts note that this tree species is a good alternative to lime boards. Products made from this material are more durable, therefore they are practically not deformed with time. Like lime boards, elements made of maple are great for organizing a shelf.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Poplar. Such material differs in the whitish shade and is simple in processing. For beginners, this is one of the best options, but products from this tree have insufficient strength. Therefore, it is recommended to use poplar for the manufacture of decorative elements of the shelf.

Note! When choosing a material for the bath shelf, you must remember that the tree must meet the operational requirements.

Abashi (African oak). Often, from this material perform exactly bath furniture. For the shelf in the sauna African oak is also suitable. This material is highly resistant to moisture and high temperatures. In addition, African oak boards have a low thermal conductivity, which contributes to the ease of use of furniture.

The surface of products made from such wood is very smooth, and its structure favors quick drying. Many experts put this material in the first place in the ratings of the most suitable for the regiment of tree species.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Alder. Durable and reliable material that is highly resistant to deformation. The heat conductivity of alder boards is one of the lowest, so this wood is an excellent solution for bath furniture.

The choice of a particular material depends on several factors. First of all, it is a financial component. In addition, bath furniture should be well tolerate high temperatures and high humidity, as well as to be durable and comfortable. Individual preferences play a large role in the choice of material for the regiment and benches.

Information about the material and the number of boards is recorded in a self-made scheme. How to make shelves in a bath is a question that many people ask. The answer to it can be obtained by examining the types of bath benches, their features and assembly instructions.

There are several types of bath shelves, which differ from each other in their design features. The feasibility of a particular form, as well as the number of tiers is determined depending on the size of the bath room and its features. This publication contains information about the most common types of bed coverings.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Step designs. To date, this option is the location of the shelves is the most popular. In this case, they are installed along one of the walls (without a window) in two or three tiers. The convenience of this design is to increase the degree of heating from the lower to the upper floor.

It is important to remember that the upper tier of the stepped shelf in the bath in the steam room must be installed above the line of the boiler used to heat the room. At the same time, the distance from the upper floor to the ceiling should be at least 120 cm. This is necessary in order to ensure maximum comfort for a person while sitting on such a structure. The same rule exists in the case when a traditional oven is installed in the steam room.

Angular (in the shape of the letter “G”) curtains. A less popular option than the previous one, but it is also very often used when organizing an interior in a steam room. It is understood that one side of the structure will be located parallel to the boiler, and the other will be adjacent to one of the free walls.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

The height of the corner structure may be different. This parameter is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the room. Experts advise installing corner shelves in the case when the room has small dimensions, since they are as functional as possible and are not very difficult to do with your own hands. A canopy in a bath of this type is best collected from durable woods.

Coupe curtains. This design is quite rare, but the idea itself is interesting and original. It is suitable for small rooms where it is necessary to save internal space. In this case, two shelves are placed parallel to each other. This structure is very similar to the room-compartment in trains (hence the name).

The upper shelves can be designed in such a way that they fold back. Frame construction for such a canopy is performed, as a rule, from the supporting pillars. These elements, similar to the legs of a bench, are joined together by wooden lintels.

Useful information! If necessary, shelves can be fixed on the wall without the use of legs. However, such a device requires proper load distribution.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

In order to choose a design suitable for your situation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the photo of the shelves in the bath. This will allow you to visually assess the benefits of one or another option.

To frame the frame, it is necessary to select even and smooth boards from any suitable material. The main thing is that the wood was moisture resistant, durable and endured high temperatures. The distance between the boards should not be less than one centimeter. The maximum recommended distance is 2 cm.

The first thing to do before installing a shelf is to calculate its dimensions. It is necessary to choose the shape and height of the wooden structure so that it most competently and succinctly fit into the interior of the steam room. It is also important to remember that the structure should not act to the detriment of the overall functionality of the room.

The classic option for a Russian bath is a one-story shelf located along one of the walls. Multi-level constructions are more often used in foreign saunas, since it allows you to bathe while sitting. In any case, each of the above options has its advantages and disadvantages.

Shelves in the bath with their own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembly and installation

Before you make the shelves in the bath with your own hands, you need to calculate their height, width and length. The choice of the height of the structure is influenced by several factors. The first thing to think about is convenience. The height of the shelf must be such that the person feels comfortable. The standard for this indicator is 70 cm. It is not recommended to locate the structure at a distance greater than 90 cm from the floor.

After each procedure, it is recommended to wipe all surfaces using a dry towel. Such a measure will significantly speed up the process of drying wooden boards. It is worth remembering that natural materials can not be processed with cleaning agents containing active chemical compounds. The best option in this case would be the use of soap.

Self-assembly of bath furniture requires careful preparation. Before you begin, you will need to complete a drawing that includes all the necessary dimensions and data about the room and the shelf design itself. If you are not confident in your own abilities, you can always use the services of specialists. After installation, you should not forget that bath furniture needs special care.

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