Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

No matter how hard you try to install the bathroom close to the wall, it won’t work out perfectly. Since there are no completely flat walls in any house, one way or another there will be a small gap into which water will fall. Previously, cement mortar was used in combination with oil paint to solve this problem. However, now there is a more modern and simple solution – bath plinth. Consider all possible options for the design of the border, as well as their features.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Features of selection and use bath fillets

In addition to the fact that the open gap in the bathroom does not look aesthetically pleasing, an open joint can cause the development of mold and mildew, which is, first and foremost, unsafe for health. That is why you need to take care of its sealing and buy a curb for a bath.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Moisture entering the joint dries out for a very long time and often leads not only to the development of undesirable microorganisms, but also to the occurrence of corrosive processes on the metal elements behind the bath. And since it is much easier to prevent these processes than to deal with them later we will consider what can be done to avoid it.

In the process of choosing a plinth, you must consider the following points:

  • the cost of the material of the curb. It is worth noting that simple and affordable models cannot boast of a long service life, so if you want to solve this problem only once, you have to spend certain funds on it;

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

  • The material used for the walls also largely determines how the bath plinth should be. Most often acquire a border from a similar material. If you used plastic wall paneling or glass wall paper for decoration of walls, the plastic plinth would be an ideal solution, acrylic baseboard is quite suitable for an acrylic bath. Ceramic or stone curbs are appropriate if the bathroom walls are tiled;
  • the size of the gap is another decisive factor in favor of a material.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Whatever the source data, today you can find a suitable option and arrange the joint between the bathroom and the wall so that it is not only functional, but also beautiful. After all, modern borders can not only solve the problem of moisture getting into the gap, but also support, and sometimes even decorate the interior.

In order to make a choice in favor of a particular material, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with all the existing options, having considered the advantages and disadvantages of each. Briefly consider everything that is presented on the modern market of building materials.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Excellent technical characteristics of plastic, its strength and resistance to the effects of a variety of external factors – one of the main advantages of this material, testifying in favor of this choice. With an affordable price, it can boast with a fairly simple installation, which will greatly facilitate your work if you plan to do it yourself. Plastic borders for the bath are presented in a large color variety, so choosing an option that will fit into your interior is more than simple.

Fastening is done with a special adhesive or liquid nails. Also on sale you can find self-adhesive plastic baseboards for the bath. In order to secure such models, it is enough to remove the protective coating and place the part on the place where it should be.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

There are two ways of installation – plinth under the tile or on top of it. In the first case, the installation of the curb is carried out before the laying of the tile, and in the second case, after the completion of the above work.

The main competitor of plastic plinths is ceramic borders. Distinguished by a longer operational life, as well as high strength, they won one of the leading places in the modern market. This option is especially well combined with walls, for the decoration of which tile was used.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Sometime for this purpose they used the same tile as for the walls, manually cutting pieces of the required size and attaching them in the same way as tile. However, today manufacturers offer not to waste efforts on measurements and fitting of parts, but to purchase a ready-made ceramic plinth for a bath. Moreover, in order to facilitate the installation process, special corner elements are sold, which make it possible not to engage in fitting, but to fix the finished corner immediately.

Another reason to buy a ceramic baseboard for a bath is a long service life, which can be measured for decades. However, it should be borne in mind that the period of service directly depends on the quality of installation and, despite its apparent ease, this process requires certain experience and skills. Therefore, if earlier you did not deal with such works, then it is better to entrust this to a professional in order to be confident in the result obtained.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic baseboards:

  • Ceramic borders are distinguished by their great tightness. They almost never miss the water;
  • If the distance between the wall and the bathroom is large enough and the installation of a plastic profile is impossible, the ceramic baseboard will easily solve this problem. It is recommended to fill the gap with pieces of brick of a suitable size, and then close with a ceramic border;
  • Certainly, the ceramic border will last you much longer than any plastic panel.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

  • the appearance of the ceramic border is preserved in its original form, which is not the case with plastic panels, which often become turbid and covered with a characteristic yellow bloom, which can easily spoil the appearance of the bathroom;
  • the chemical composition of the material determines the high resistance to the most diverse external factors: temperature drops, rupture deformations, and so on;
  • The range of ceramic bath curtains will surely impress even the most demanding users. On sale you can find both white and colored models, smooth and textured, concave and convex.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

The only significant drawback of ceramic baseboards is low resistance to impact. Dropping a heavy object to a tile can damage it, causing cracks in which water can enter.

This is perhaps one of the most simple and convenient options for protecting the joints between the bathroom and the wall. Such borders in the form of the tape made of polyethylene are on sale. They are designed to seal the gap. Self-adhesive baseboard for the bath is chosen individually, depending on the desired size. The ability to choose a suitable width and height of the border allows you to provide reliable protection against the ingress of moisture.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

With regard to the installation of self-adhesive baseboards for the bath, the technology is even easier than in the case of installing a plastic curb. Due to the presence of the adhesive base, the tape is simply fixed in the right place, after which it is additionally sealed with silicone sealant.

About to buy acrylic baseboard for a bath, not everyone thinks about. First of all, because its cost is higher than analogues made from silicone. However, if we are talking about the selection of plinth for an acrylic bath, then this is undoubtedly the ideal option.

The main feature of this material is poor tolerance to thermal expansion, which is why its use is not always possible. For mounting use liquid glue with a silicone base, since even after drying it retains some plasticity.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

Skirting, made of natural stone – a serious and quite expensive option, which, nevertheless, looks unique in any thoughtful interior. And although such an exquisite border can not be called accessible to everyone, its popularity is difficult to underestimate.

In the selection process, it is worth paying attention to the suitability of such a plinth to the surrounding environment, choosing those models that are suitable in color and can fit into the existing stylistic direction. Of course, the use of marble baseboards is preferable if the bath itself is made of the same material. And although this design will cost a lot, we must pay tribute not only to its aesthetic component, but also to its excellent technical qualities: a long service life and high strength of the material.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

The two most popular options for the design of the junction of the bath are plastic or ceramic baseboard. And if the installation of plastic borders and various adhesive tapes is quite simple, the installation of ceramic plinth usually raises many questions. Next, consider the installation and those and other models.

If you decide to buy a plastic plinth for a bath, then this is a great way to save money. After all, regardless of which of the two possible options you choose (rolled self-adhesive or PVC panels), you can buy a plastic curb for a bath at an affordable price, and install it yourself.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

It must be understood that the self-adhesive border serves directly to seal the joint, while the plastic panel is just a decorative element that actually covers the sealant. And in order to glue such panels qualitatively, you will need to adhere to the following procedure:

  • the area around the gap must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, and then wipe dry. After it needs to be filled with sealant and leave to dry completely;
  • Using a building tape measure, measure the length of the sides of the bathroom that are adjacent to the wall. Knowing the required length, you can customize the existing profile. In order to provide an aesthetic appearance, the edges are trimmed at a 45 degree angle;

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

  • in order to carry out the process of gluing as accurately as possible, use masking tape, sticking it on the edges of the bathroom. This will protect it from getting excess glue;
  • The gluing procedure itself is carried out as follows: the panel is applied to the wall and pressed tightly. Then, turning down the small edge of the corner, the gun is inserted and the sealant is squeezed out. When the seam is completely filled, everything can be leveled using a regular spatula. The same is done with the bottom of the curb. After complete drying of the sealant adhesive tape can be removed.

Helpful advice! A great advantage if in the process of working you have an assistant who helps to hold and press the panel. So your chances to produce high-quality installation significantly increase.

Bath plinth: neat and practical design of the joints

In any case, you need to understand that the plastic panels are not intended for years of use. Most likely you will have to change them at high intervals. Therefore, think in advance if it would be better to give preference to the ceramic curb.

It is not so easy to install a ceramic curb. But if you have at least minimal experience in carrying out repairs and you are ready to devote a sufficient amount of time to this issue, then this task is quite feasible. Moreover, there are two different installation methods. Consider in detail each option.

All excess glue must be removed immediately, but in order to position the curb as smooth as possible, you can use the building level. After complete drying it remains only to process the joints with grout.

Before you buy a bath plinth made of a particular material, you need to weigh all the arguments in favor of each one more time. Attempts to save by no means always lead to positive results, although often overly expensive options do not justify waste. In any case, now you have an idea of ​​all possible options, and you can certainly make a choice that will not disappoint you.

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