Types of ventilation in the house

Poorly installed ventilation can be recognized by condensation of water vapor on the windows, and over time, by the appearance of mold on the walls. In such rooms, a person may suffer from headaches, feel tired, and become irritable. To answer questions about the installation of ventilation systems, it is important to know what types of ventilation are in a private house.

Types of ventilation in a private house

There are various systems that can be used in private homes. Currently, the following types of house ventilation are most often used:

  1. Natural (gravitational). Its work is based on the use of natural draft, which arises from the difference in air pressure inside and outside the house. Therefore, it must be borne in mind here that the correct operation of ventilation may depend on weather conditions. Natural ventilation in the house has many advantages, first of all, the relatively low costs associated with the installation of the ventilation system, as well as its subsequent operation, ease of use. However, natural ventilation in a private house also has disadvantages, including dependence on the weather – when it is warm outside, ventilation may not work at all, and in winter or on very windy days heat loss may occur. There is also a limitation on the ability to regulate such a system..
  2. Mechanical. In this case, mechanical devices – fans, are used to exchange air between the structure and the outside area. There are three types of mechanical ventilation: exhaust, supply and exhaust and mechanical with heat recovery. In the first case, air enters the house in a natural way, while being drawn out by fans. In the second, both the inflow and the outflow of air are possible thanks to the fans. If we are interested in ventilation in a private house, a very interesting solution would be the third type – a system with heat recovery. It is a mechanical ventilation system. Recuperators are installed in a single-family house for heat saving, heating of the supplied cold air, due to the removed warm air removed from the room..
  3. Hybrid ventilation. It is based on gravitational ventilation, which, if necessary (in adverse weather conditions), is supported by mechanical ventilation..

Ventilation in an old house – how to improve its performance?

Domestic ventilation used in older buildings is mainly based on the gravity system. Such systems are weather dependent. In older buildings, the ventilation duct can also be damaged, for example, due to poor thermal insulation of windows or doors. There may also be poor draft in the ventilation hoses. In such situations, special ventilation nozzles can be used. If the building is located in a windy area, it is recommended to use nozzles with an adjustable air flow rate..

Home ventilation can also be improved by appropriately positioning window fans that are installed between the glass and the window frame or on the frame itself..

Mechanical ventilation in a private house

The ventilation system can become part of the smart home technology. This means that it can be controlled remotely using special sensors. The decision to install the “smart home” system is still at the stage of project preparation. This will facilitate the correct planning of the ventilation itself as well as the control system. Sensors located in different places allow you to analyze the air parameters and, if necessary, turn the ventilation on or off. They can also be connected to smoke or CO2 detectors.

Intelligent home control systems can also be programmed to start at a specific time.

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