DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

To build in your house or apartment interior doors of drywall with your own hands, step-by-step instructions of this process is absolutely not interfere. This is true, for example, in the case of the presence of heterosexual children in the family. To build a capital wall of brick requires permission from the relevant authorities, and it will cost too much. In addition, the easiest and cheaper to build their own interroom partition of plasterboard. Photos of such structures give a good idea of ​​their aesthetic and practical qualities.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

What materials and tools will be needed to make a plasterboard interior partition

In order to build a partition, we need to first make a rigid frame. For its manufacture you will need a 75-mm galvanized profile with additional elements and wooden bars. They will be needed to make the frame stronger in some places. Sheath frame will be sheets of gypsum board with a thickness of 12.5 mm standard size using self-tapping screws.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

Between the sheets of gypsum plasterboards we will place sound-proof material when creating our own interior partitions from drywall. Photos of this “pie” can be found and considered in detail.

In addition to materials for the work we need to get the following tool:

  • cordless screwdriver or a small drill with a suitable nozzle;
  • small manual construction level (bubble or hydro level);
  • measuring 5 – 10 meter tape;
  • Plumb, to align the guide vertical profiles.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

Helpful advice! If you have a laser leveling level, then the speed and quality of your work will greatly improve. It allows you to better vertical and horizontal levels.

Having prepared the necessary tools and materials, you can proceed directly to the construction of a plasterboard partition with your own hands. Video of this process will help to better understand the whole technology and sequence of the device.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

The process of installing a plasterboard partition consists of several stages: installation of a frame of guide profiles, installation of a doorway, filling of the frame with plasterboard sheets, finishing works. Consider these steps in order.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

Before installing the frame, it is necessary to mark the floor and ceiling in the required place using a level.

  • with screws, fasten guide profile along the line on the floor;
  • In the lower profile near the walls we insert vertical guides, which are fixed to the walls with dowels strictly vertically. The step between fasteners should be no more than 30 – 50 cm. At the junction of profiles, we use ordinary screws for fastening them together or a slider;

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

  • we install the ceiling profile with constant monitoring with a plumb line. As a result, securing four profiles, we get a rectangular frame – the basis for the future, made with your own hands, drywall partition. The video of the carcass structure best illustrates the intricacies of this process.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

In our partition there will be a regular swing door, so you need to provide a place in the frame for the installation of the door unit. The walls must be rigid to withstand the load.

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

Helpful advice! To increase the stiffness you need to take dry and straight wooden bars, which should go inside the profile. They will significantly strengthen the doorway, which will help to secure the door unit securely and rigidly.

The doorway is formed in the following sequence:

  • we cut the galvanized rack profile in height, supply it with a wooden bar, which is inserted inside;
  • ready-made structures with bars are inserted inside the guide profiles on the floor and ceiling, so that the width along the bottom and along the top of the door opening coincides;

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

  • With the help of any level, we carefully monitor the verticality of the installation of the door pillars and fasten them with 35 mm galvanized self-tapping screws. Compliance with the level is especially important when building your own interior drywall partitions. Photo ugly designs no one likes;
  • cut a piece of rack profile segment equal to the width of the doorway for the manufacture of the transverse beam. We also insert a bar into it and set it to the required height strictly horizontally;

DIY drywall partition walls, step by step instructions

  • on the back of the racks and the crossbar, we will prepare small holes for the nail. To do this, you need a drill with an appropriate drill. Bars are drilled to a depth of 50 mm, which will be almost half of the nail;
  • nails 120-150 mm, you need to fasten wooden structures that are inserted into the profiles. To do this, nails very carefully hammer with a conventional hammer;
  • we finish the mounting of the crossmember after screwing in the screws on the side on both sides.

For creating your own plasterboard partitions, step-by-step instructions will be very useful. As a well-constructed structure will be tough, stable and attractive in appearance.

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