Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Even if on the territory of the summer cottage there is no house for permanent or temporary residence, there is still a need to build a latrine. Natural human needs make themselves felt, even if you come to the country just a few hours to cultivate and water the land. The rational decision in this case will be a toilet for giving with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions are quite simple, and the construction itself is inexpensive.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

How to make a toilet in the country with their own hands: general information

Despite the seemingly primitiveness of the building, the construction of the toilet at the dacha belongs to the category of basic facilities. Its construction should proceed first. Many will agree that the land outside the city can easily do without fencing, country house and other buildings, but the latrine is an integral part of comfort, without which it is simply impossible to exploit the site.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Note! Of course, the summer toilet on the street, made with his own hands, will not replace a normal bathroom, providing only minimal amenities. However, summer vacation is impossible without them, it will not be possible to fully work on the site.

There are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards, in accordance with which such construction is carried out. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with them before proceeding to work.

Installing a toilet in a suburban area is a simple matter, which, if properly studied, does not require the involvement of specialists. However, this construction is still accompanied by some features.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Basic standards:

  1. First of all, you should make sure that the construction of the structure will not cause inconvenience to the neighbors.
  2. The place for mounting the structure is selected with special care. This stage of construction should be carried out in full compliance with sanitary standards in relation to the sanitary zone. Violation of these rules can lead to serious pollution of the surrounding area (soil, groundwater), which will entail fines from the health service and even health problems.
  3. At the development stage of the drawings, a method should be thought out, according to which the cesspool will be emptied.
  4. The choice of design is limited by several factors. One of them is the water horizon of the dacha. If the groundwater level is very high, the sump should be completely sealed.

These simple rules will help get rid of problems with further exploitation.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

At the dacha possible construction of various structures. There are many options to choose from, so you should be guided by several criteria. The choice of design may affect:

  • the amount of the budget available to the developer;
  • the estimated frequency of operation of the bathroom;
  • the height of the water horizon;
  • the amount of money that is planned to be allocated for the maintenance of the toilet in the future.

Note! All toilets with street type of accommodation are classified on the basis of one feature – the method of waste disposal.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Bathrooms on the basis of the cesspool are the most popular and common. And not only in the suburban areas, but also in the courtyards of villages.

The construction of such structures with their own hands, as a rule, is not accompanied by difficulties, since the sewer system in this case is replaced by a deep hole. It accumulates liquid waste, which is utilized by gradual evaporation and absorption through the soil. Only sometimes it is necessary to call the aspenisation machine for the complete emptying and cleaning of the sump.

The frequency of calling of the vacuum trucks depends on how deep the pit is and how well the construction is performed. Waste disposal procedures can be extremely rare. In most cases, this problem is solved by falling asleep pit. After that, a new waste collection tank is being dug up near it.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Above-ground part of the toilet can be a construction made of various materials:

  • metal profile;
  • boards;
  • slate sheets;
  • bricks, etc.

The most important components of high-quality design are the reliability of the frame base and the presence of effective ventilation.

Many owners of personal plots prefer structures made of wood. This choice is due to the fact that the technology of building a wooden frame is very simple and does not require serious skills, and its cost is low.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

The wooden product can be styled as a fairy-tale hut or a house, thanks to which you can get not only a functional, but also an aesthetic construction. As a finishing material for the frame, you can use lining instead of boards. This will give the above-ground part of the toilet a very attractive and stylish appearance.

Note! One of the many advantages of wood products is its mobility. In the event that the filled hole is instilled in order to dig up a new one in another place, there is no need to rebuild the house. Simply move the frame to the desired location.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

When choosing this material do not forget about the shortcomings of wood. It is subject to the influence of many negative factors that reduce the service life of the building. These factors include:

  • the influence of direct sunlight (under their influence, wood cracks, cracks and deforms);
  • UV radiation on the surface of the wood leads to its burning;
  • humidity, which is necessarily accompanied by the operation of any toilet, contributes to deformation changes in the frame;
  • Fungi and mold, as a result of exposure to moisture, are intensively developed in wood, supporting rotting, dampness and unpleasant odors.

Specialized means in the form of protective impregnations will avoid premature deterioration of the toilet under the influence of negative operating conditions. In order to increase the service life of boards or any other material based on wood, it is necessary to paint the surface of the product with a dye compound intended for outdoor conditions. Pre-treated wood primer.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Those who love the beauty of natural wood may be advised to use a clear varnish as a protective material. It will preserve the natural pattern of the tree.

The toilet made of metal profile has several installation options. In the first case, it is taken as a basis for the drawings of the toilet for giving a wooden frame. Another option involves the creation of a base of metal shaped tubes connected by a welding method. To do this, be sure to have a welding machine with you and have the skills to handle it.

Then the wooden or metal base is sheathed with profiled sheets. Rivets or screws can be used as fasteners. You can purchase special protective washers for screws that will prevent moisture from getting inside the fastener, thereby protecting it from rust damage.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Despite the fact that the construction of such a structure does not take much time and effort, the toilet from the metal profile has one significant drawback. In the summer, there is a strong heating of the structure. Therefore, it is recommended to mount the metal product in a place that is constantly in the shade.

Helpful advice! Use polystyrene sheets for the inside trimming. They will keep cool inside the structure.

At the production stage, profiled sheets of metal are covered with special protective spraying. Thanks to this coating, the material is reliably protected from moisture, therefore, the profile sheets can be safely used for mounting structures placed in the open air. The most advantageous advantage of a toilet from a profile is the speed of its installation.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

The construction of the brick closet has its difficulties. First of all, they are due to the fact that, if necessary, to transfer the construction to make it fail. Therefore, it is recommended to first examine the various projects of the toilet in the country with their own hands, drawings and features of the site itself. You should also foresee the way in which the cleaning of the sump will be performed. In addition, the brick building will require the installation of a ceiling of concrete.

In fact, a brick toilet is a major building that does not need to be repaired for several decades. The cost of its construction is significantly higher than when using wood or profiled sheet. But you can save if after the construction of a garage or a house there will be a brick.

Note! Building a toilet on the summer cottage of the same brick from which the house and garage are made will allow to achieve unity in the exterior of the yard. Thus, the design of the site will be kept in the same style, which looks very impressive and harmonious.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Since the weight of the finished brick structure is very large, under it, as mentioned earlier, a solid and solid foundation should be laid. Professionals advise for these purposes to choose a tape type foundation. It has many advantages:

  • minimal earthworks;
  • very small consumption of cement powder for filling;
  • high security;
  • reliability (provided on almost any type of soil).

For products that have a lighter construction of other materials, you can use the foundation column type.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

The sewage pit is considered to be the simplest and most budgetary way to solve the problem with the toilet in the garden. But even in this case, there are restrictions on the construction of this type. The installation of latrines with a cesspool is limited to the following conditions:

  • the soil of the suburban area consists of limestone or shale soil;
  • groundwater is too close to the surface;
  • the use of the toilet by a large number of people.

All these factors do not allow organizing a toilet on the basis of a cesspool in the territory of a suburban area. The way out of this situation will be the construction of latrines of a completely different type, based on a different principle of operation.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Types of bathrooms without a drain hole:

  • backlash;
  • powder-closet;
  • dry closet or chemical toilet.

Each design has its own characteristics: device, construction technology, requirements for operation.

Backlash-closet is a kind of improved construction on the basis of a sump. It differs from standard variants only in that the waste storage tank is completely sealed.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Note! The backlash-closet device allows the installation of a toilet bowl inside a heated room, that is, at home, and the storage tank can be located at a distance from it. Most often it is placed next to the wall where the bathroom is installed.

The connecting element between the store and the toilet is the pipe. It may be vertical or inclined. This item is designed to feed waste into the drive, and in the mode of free flow.

Due to the peculiarities of its design, backlash-closet needs servicing of vacuum trucks, which can periodically empty the storage tank. But unlike ordinary toilets on the basis of a cesspool, this option is more hygienic and easy to use.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

To facilitate the work of the scavenger, when settling the backlash closet digging hole. Its shape should be elongated. This will allow the installation of the hoses of the ashenizator machine.

The design has its drawbacks. For example, in the winter season cleaning is not possible. Many owners solve this problem by installing a special system for heating the drive.

This type of latrine is characterized by a small waste collection tank. The maximum size of the drive installed under the high chair is 20 liters.
Installing powder-closet is useful if the groundwater is close to the surface. Such conditions can be problematic for the operation of other toilet options, but powder-closet can fully work even in such a situation.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

The advantages of the design include the minimum level of expenditure on its arrangement. At the same time, the scheme of turning waste into organic fertilizer of organic origin is very simple and also cheap.

The name of this toilet was assigned due to its principle of operation. The fact is that the waste that is in the storage tank is, as it were, “powdered” with the help of a dry composition. Peat-sawdust or peat is usually used for falling asleep. This eliminates the likelihood of putrefactive processes, which is why there is no unpleasant smell in the toilet.

As the tank accumulates, all waste that is in it and is peppered with peat is transferred to a previously prepared compost pit. Here they will be processed into compost.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Note! Constructions powder-closets can be both stationary and portable. In the second case, the toilet allows you to bring a small-sized construction in the house during rain or at night.

Dry closets today are very popular among summer residents. The design consists of a compact toilet bowl, which is characterized by a convenient system of operational use. The principle of operation of a dry closet is in many respects similar to the work carried out by powder-closet. The process of recycling, as well as further decomposition of waste, is carried out at the expense of the peat mixture.

Some models allow the use of biological products for recycling. These substances may be in liquid or dry form. They contain cultures of special bacteria.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

In models with a chemical principle of action, drugs of chemical origin act as active substances that enhance the decomposition of waste. Selecting the appropriate option, do not forget about security. Effective and safe drugs have a high cost.

Some of the owners of summer cottages, due to their ignorance, use substances such as formaldehyde, bleach and others to dispose of waste. Their use is strictly prohibited, since the composition of these substances is very toxic.

Average prices for permissible drugs:

Drug name Release form (volume) Cost, rubles
Bio favorite liquid (950 g) 700
Mikrozim SEPTI TRIT liquid (250 g) 700
Atmospherebio powder (300 g) 600
Sanex powder (100 g) 230
Tamir liquid (350 g) 200


Installing a toilet on the street requires compliance with certain conditions and rules. The most important requirement for the installation of any type of construction is the absence of direct contact of the waste in the reservoir with groundwater. The interaction of these components should be minimized.

Important! The groundwater level is the first thing that is specified before construction. The construction of a toilet is possible only if this figure is more than 2.5 m under the soil.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Before proceeding to the drawing up of drawings and the direct planning of the structure itself, care should be taken to choose the right place for its placement.
The following conditions may affect the installation of a building:

  • The minimum distance between the toilet and the nearest source of water is 30 m. It is better if the water is located at a greater distance. In some cases, the geological location of a reservoir may be located lower than it passes through the level for building a toilet. Then the structure will need to be transferred to another zone. As a way out of this situation, you can move the toilet down than the source of the water lies.
  • On the territory of the summer cottage there can be cellars or cellars. According to the type of placement, these pits can be adjacent to the closet, therefore, the construction of the toilet should be located at a distance of at least 15 m from such buildings.
  • From residential buildings and other buildings on the site indented at least 8 m.
  • Places where animals live or settle should be located at a distance of at least 5 m from the toilet.
  • Green areas should be planted at a distance of 1 m.
  • To the fence separating the nearby territory, which may belong to the neighbors, you need to leave a distance of at least 1 m.

Toilet to give your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a latrine on the site

Note! Wind direction is also important. Take care not to annoy your neighbors with unpleasant odors.

The modern choice of designs provides many variations. Summer resident can independently build the above-ground part of the structure or purchase an already finished product. Buy a lot of wooden toilets to give allow many companies.

Average prices for common types of finished wood structures:

Model, features Dimensions (width / length / height), mm Price, rubles
DT-4 1100/1100/2700 from 15,000
DT-1 1000/1000/2500 from 12,000
Wooden 1000/1000/2300 13,000
DT-3 (garden) 1100/1000/2800 from 17,000
DT-4 (with a window and roof) 1100/1100/2700 from 18,000
Suburban 1100/1100/2700 18,000
Wooden 1000/1000/2500 12,000
Large (with imitation timber) 2500/2000/2300 30,000
Toilet hozblok 3000/2000/2300 35,000
Rectangular 1000/1200/2100 15500
Euro 1000/1000/2300 8700


Cabins, both ready and those that can be built independently, are of several types:

  • nesting box;
  • hut
  • hut;
  • house

All of them have their own characteristics, size and structure.

A little imagination and zeal, and your toilet on the street from the usual need will turn into a spectacular addition that adorns the local area.

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