Home heating options

There are many ways to heat private homes on the market today, each with advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you can choose the ideal type of heating system only by analyzing the expectations of the owners, as well as their finances..

What you need to know?

Heating installations are expensive equipment, both in terms of investment and in terms of maintenance and operating costs. There are different types of heating systems for a private house, for example:

  • Wall mounted.
  • Radiator.
  • Warm floors, etc..

Can be heated with electricity, gas or a fireplace, using boiler equipment or fuel.

What type of heating to choose for a private house? Quite a difficult question. It all depends on the individual homeowner’s expectations and budget. If, for example, the owner does not want to kindle the fire in the boiler himself, add fuel, appreciates more convenient solutions, he should stop at the gas or electric option..

Heating rates

Costs can vary widely depending on the type of heating system. People who have houses in small towns, firewood, consider heating with their own boiler using wood, as well as environmentally friendly fuel, the most affordable solution. Heating with natural gas costs a little more. Although after installing an innovative economical gas stove, a building with a size of even 200-250 m2 can be heated for an amount of 30-50% more than in the case of firewood.

An alternative is electric home heating, which is great for both small buildings and energy efficient (ecological) buildings. Then the energy consumption for heating in winter will not be too high. However, it should be added that the owner cannot always choose the available method. Heating types are included in the local zoning plan, which defines the systems for the facility located in a given locality.

Types of heating in a private house

To understand which type of heating system is suitable for a particular case, you need to compare the types of heating of a private house. The most affordable option is wood or coal. You can choose an option with a fireplace, to which logs will be added to heat the rooms. The option is based on coal-fired heat transfer. But this solution is the least environmentally friendly. Consideration should be given to the size of the building, the financial capacity, the location of the city, and the position of the local territorial development plan..

You can choose traditional options or use the latest technology, including electric heating and solar panels that heat water for everyday use. The modern version is based on photovoltaic cells, which are environmentally friendly and also pay off very quickly..

Central heating is provided by a coal stove. Considering the most economical types of private house heating, this is the best solution. Fully fossil fuel fired coal stove has an extremely attractive purchase price. The coal stove provides low operating costs, but constant combustion control and the addition of fuel to provide heat are disadvantages.

Another type is gas heating. A gas boiler is a convenient solution due to its high usability and uniform temperature distribution. The stove does not emit dust and smoke that can pollute the room. The last type of heating is electric. This is the most affordable solution to install. Another benefit is easy room temperature control. Low investment costs and fast heat distribution are also important advantages of this system. The downside of such heating is high operating costs. Electricity prices are growing from year to year, which does not contribute to the transition to an electric heating method.

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