Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

During the repair should always be waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed. This measure during the period of repair works protects the floors from the effects of water in solution. During operation, waterproofing coating protects against emergency leakage of engineering networks and from moisture penetration from the basement, if it is the first floor. This is especially true when creating screed warm water floor. The thickness of the screed does not play any role. Without waterproofing can not do when the device floor in the kitchen, bathrooms, bathrooms and in private homes.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and their features

Before you start to do floor screed, you need to decide on the type of waterproofing material. There are several of them:

  • rolled have the form of fiberglass or cardboard panels twisted into rolls, impregnated with bitumen compositions. Such material is fused using bitumen mastic heated by a burner. Some materials are self-adhesive. This type of waterproofing performs its main function very well, but is very inconvenient in the device. Requires a source of fire;

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

Helpful advice! You can not use cardboard materials to create waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed. They will not be able to provide long and reliable protection in case of serious leakage.

  • liquid coating materials. Have the appearance of bitumen mastic with admixtures of rubber or polymer composition. Synthetic resin made from such materials is the most reliable and durable material. Apply this waterproofing using a roller or a conventional brush. The material has excellent waterproofing properties. It is easy to apply. Of the drawbacks, it should be noted only the inconvenience caused by the fact that bitumen resins are smearing everything that comes into contact with them. Moreover, bitumen is then very difficult to wash off clothes;

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

  • dry waterproofing materials resemble plaster mixes. Produced in powder form, which is diluted with the necessary amount of water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply such waterproofing with a spatula in several layers crosswise. Their number is from 1 to 3. Is it required 1.5 kg of dry mix per 1 m? floor in the apartment. That is, for a room at 17 m? it is enough to purchase 1 bag of a mixture weighing 25 kg;
  • penetrating mixtures. This is a special type of waterproofing materials, successfully used for waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed. Its action is based on the ability to penetrate the structure of concrete and form polycrystalline formations there that fill all pores. The same material is processed and the surface of the screed itself, doubling the protection.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

Helpful advice! If beacons are used to tie the floor, then their attachment to the base should be subjected to waterproofing. For this it is most convenient to use bitumen mastics. Since rolled and coated waterproofing materials are most often found in the manufacture of repair and construction works, the technology of their installation should be considered in more detail.

Laying of this type of waterproofing layer is made in compliance with a certain technology and sequence of actions. First of all, the surface is cleaned from dirt, dust and foreign inclusions. After that, major irregularities are sealed with putty. When the base is prepared, install the damper tape. It is needed to compensate for the expansion of concrete during curing and further exploitation. It is mounted on the perimeter at the bottom of the walls.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

Now that everything is ready, you can proceed to the production of waterproofing works. Floor slabs are treated with a primer under mastic, which provides good adhesion with the material. This liquid is usually offered by sellers in hardware stores when purchasing waterproofing materials.

Helpful advice! There is no need to spend money on a primer for waterproofing using polymeric mastics. They already have excellent adhesion to concrete. For reliability, plates can be treated with penetrating solutions.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

Stripes of rolled material spread over the entire surface of the base of the room overlap. At each other, they go 10 cm, and on the wall at 15 cm. The joints are better to glue with bitumen mastic. If the material is build-up, then use a gas torch to fix it on the surface. Film materials for waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the coupler also overlap, but the joints are heated for welding with a building dryer.

Once the waterproofing is laid, you can begin to do the floor screed on the beacons with their own hands. Video of this process is easy to find online.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

The use of this type of waterproofing must be approached very responsibly. A very thorough preparation of the base is required. Dust and dirt can be removed with a regular vacuum cleaner. There should be no sharp protrusions or pebbles. Chemically active stains must be removed from the surface, as they can damage the coating waterproofing layer.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

After cleaning the surface of the floor is treated with a primer. It is desirable for this to apply the composition of the same company as the mastic itself. It is applied in one layer with a brush, especially carefully paying attention to the joints of the floor and walls, as well as the place of passage of engineering communications. Dries primer 2 hours after application.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installationWaterproofing the floor in the bathroom: materials and methods of installation. How to waterproof the floor in the bathroom so that it will serve you for many years.

Applying mastic made with a roller or a wide brush. You need to do several layers. An indispensable condition is the complete drying of the previous layer. Each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one. A small brush is used to coat around the pipes.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

The final drying of the waterproofing of the floor in the apartment before the screed occurs 2 days after the completion of the work. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to use not one, but several types of waterproofing coatings. The surface of the floor slabs can be treated with formulations for penetrating waterproofing, and then smeared with bitumen mastic, on which to stick roll materials. Such a “cake” gives almost 100% guarantee against leakage.

Helpful advice! When laying the reinforcement under the concrete screed on the waterproofing can not use wire. It can damage the layer with sharp edges. It is better to use nylon cable ties for this. They can be found in electrical engineering for fastening wires in bundles. These devices create a secure mount and can not damage the waterproofing.

Waterproofing the floor in the apartment before the screed: types and details of installation

The use of waterproofing materials provides guaranteed protection against troubles that may be caused by water leakage from engineering communications. This is especially true in areas with special risk: kitchen, toilet, bathroom. The waterproofing device should be made in compliance with all rules, since their violation can negate all efforts.

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