Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

The pros and cons of stretch ceilings in the bathroom are of interest to anyone who is responsible for the choice of finishing material for decorating the ceiling of this important room. The floor and walls in the bathrooms are traditionally trimmed with ceramic tiles, but there have always been problems with the ceiling. With the advent of modern materials, it began to be covered with PVC panels, and relatively recently, to arrange tension structures. They have not yet taken any leading positions, but all because of the fact that people still have a bad idea of ​​all their merits and disadvantages. Consider them in this article.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

Pros and cons of stretch ceilings in the bathroom

There are two types of materials from which stretch ceilings are made: dense special fabric and PVC film. It is obvious that the use of tissue in the bathroom is impractical because the room has a fairly high level of humidity. Therefore, the only possible solution in this case is the installation of stretch ceilings made of PVC film. It is stretched in a heated form between the walls by fastening on a special profile that is attached to the walls under the ceiling. Heat the film with heat guns.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

There are practically no draft works in the installation process. At the end of the installation there is no need to remove a large amount of dust and dirt, which certainly appears when finishing with other materials.

In addition, the glossy surface of such a stretch ceiling in the bathroom will provide a visual expansion of the space of this small room due to the mirror effect. Photos of ceilings with exclusive photo printing featuring clouds in the azure-blue sky or fabulous images in a multi-level design can be found a large number.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

Helpful advice! The use of multi-color photo printing is permissible for ceilings having an area of ​​more than 5 m ?. Small ceilings should be made light and uniform, as this increases the space. Variety on the contrary reduces it.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

Summarizing all the positive aspects of the device tension structures in the bathroom:

  • PVC ceiling film is not afraid of splashing water and increased humidity. This circumstance can be considered decisive when choosing this type of ceiling. The material of the stretch ceiling is not just not afraid of water, it is also able to hold in itself, as in a bubble, a large amount of fluid that can flow from the neighbors above. It is known that one meter square film can withstand the weight of one hundred liters of water. When flooded, a large bubble forms, which you just need to pierce and drain the water;

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

  • long and trouble-free service life. Only if the installation technology is observed, even the cheapest Chinese ceiling will last at least 15 years without any visible changes in its consumer properties. You will forget about the crumbling plaster and the need to paint, installing suspended ceilings in the bathroom. You will know the pros and cons of such a decision by reading the article to the end;

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

  • Grand aesthetic possibilities. A large variety of PVC films makes it possible to decorate any appearance of the bathroom. Allowed to install at least glossy, even matte ceiling. It can have a single color or be made in several colors. Today, the ceiling has found great popularity with a pattern applied by photo printing. This picture will inevitably become the main highlight of the bathroom and perfectly fit into absolutely any style. If you have enough spacious space, you can build a suspended ceiling, which has several levels.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

As for the installation and maintenance of the stretch ceiling, here it has clear advantages over other materials:

  • the film does not require special care. Stretch ceilings of any manufacturer have antistatic properties that repel dirt and dust. And in order to efficiently clean, you just need to use a regular sponge or a soft cloth moistened with water;

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

  • to mount the tensioning structure is quite simple. If you have the necessary tools and equipment, you can even stretch the film yourself;

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

An important advantage is the fact that no leveling of the surface is necessary before the construction of a stretch ceiling in the bathroom. The advantages and disadvantages of this circumstance are obvious: there is no dust and dirt, the purchase of additional materials is not required, it is enough just to build a frame.

In addition to the above, the following can be noted: the PVC film does not burn, has anti-allergic properties, can be combined in style with any wall and floor finishing materials, does not hold condensation on it, hides engineering communications and wires, and enables the device to have a beautiful LED backlight.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

As for the minuses, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to name anything other than the relatively high cost and exposure to punctures and cuts. At the same time, the cost today is becoming lower and lower, as the level of competition is growing. Given the small area of ​​the bathroom, the full cost of installing the tension structure in it may be even lower than the construction of suspended ceilings from other materials.

Cuts can be patched quite effectively, but the traces of the repair will still be visible. Sometimes it will be better to change the entire canvas. It is possible to repair, if the hole is near the wall, no more than 15 – 20 cm. In this case, you can cut a piece and re-fill the canvas again. This process is quite time-consuming.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

Helpful advice! If the canvas was accidentally damaged and the hole in it is not very large, then the correct solution would be to install an additional lamp in this place. The main thing is not to spoil the whole design of the room. If symmetry is important, then you will have to install at least one more lamp symmetrical to the forced one.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

The choice of design solutions for finishing the ceiling space in the bathroom depends not only on the desire and imagination of the owner, but on the floor space. In fairly large rooms you can embody any fantasy. Original and grand will look a multi-level design. At each level, you can install your own row of lamps. This design allows the use of LED strip between the levels, which creates a futuristic design.

The use of bright LED lamps will fill the room with a powerful luminous flux. To create the effect of the night starry sky, you must use a specially arranged lights under the film.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom: photos and tips

The use of photo printing will allow you to create a completely unique pattern on the stretch ceilings in the bathroom. Photos of some works are striking in their artistry and non-triviality. The choice of background color should be subject to certain rules. So, for a small room, cold shades are best suited: blue, purple, blue, as they visually increase the room and the height of the ceilings. You cannot use warm tones in it, as they give the opposite effect.

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