Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

In the city, with its intense pace of life and car smog, there are fewer and fewer places to stay in nature and enjoy the fresh air. Salvation becomes a cottage where you can place a playground, and a gazebo for gatherings, garden beds or an orchard. It is not at all difficult to design a landscape design of the dacha plot of 10 acres with your own hands: photos and design tips will help to create not only a functional place for recreation, but also a real designer masterpiece.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

We create a landscape design of the dacha of 10 acres with our own hands: photos and ideas of the best projects

The land area of ​​10 acres will be enough for the construction of all the necessary buildings, a vegetable garden and a garden with fruit trees, as well as for the realization of their creative ideas for creating a recreation area.

Professional landscape designers begin their work with the project. Follow their lead. First you need to draw a diagram of the suburban area with the application of all buildings and communications. Then determine the functional areas: for recreation and household needs (farm building, garden beds, garden). The size of the zones depends on the preferences and interests of the owners.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

The condition of the soil, the shade and the relief of the territory must be taken into account when planning the landscape design of a country house. Photo schemes will show the best solutions for the location of all elements.

The layout option depends on what the functional purpose of the owner determines the site. Consider the following variations:

  • cottage only for recreation. In this case, the entire territory is assigned to a recreation area. At the same time there is a place for a bath and a garage for a car. Opposite the house you can equip a playground and / or pool. Pergolas, pergolas, patios will be a place for eating and relaxing in the fresh air. It is better to place them behind the house or from the side, protecting them from entering with a hedge. In terms of design, the territory allows for the construction of an artificial pond, multilevel alpine slides, and an elaborate fountain. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owners;

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

  • cottage for work. Option for lovers of home canned. In this case, most of the territory (2/3) is allotted for beds, greenhouses, garden trees and shrubs. They need sunlight and water, so you have to take care of the possibility of watering. The southeast side will be the perfect place for them. Recreation area is small. It is possible to place an arbor or a bench with a shed on it, to arrange a flower bed and decorative compositions;

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Helpful advice! So that the watering hose does not have to be pulled across the entire yard, make plastic wiring for watering the beds in advance, or break them near the water source.

  • combined version – the most popular in our time. At this cottage you can work and relax. There is a place for small beds for fresh herbs and strawberries, which are made out of combined groups of ornamental plants. Several species of fruit trees, berry bushes are planted, and the remaining area is arranged under a recreation area. On it you can install a gazebo or a shed, make a pond, vertical flower arrangements or a horizontal flowerbed.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

With a skillful approach and proper planning, you can equip all zones and in a small dacha. The main thing is to decide why you need a cottage, and then you can expand some functional areas at the expense of others.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Having seen the professional design of landscape design in photos or in the neighbor’s yard, many people think that it is impossible to do it yourself. Study the main points and take a responsible approach to the matter and soon achieve the same result.

That the garden plot had always the well-groomed and blossoming look it is necessary:

  • consider the design style;
  • correctly select the type of landscaping and plants;
  • consider the location and types of garden buildings and decorative structures.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

From large status cottages, designed by professional designers to order, sometimes it blows cold. Much more emotional will rest in the country, with a designed landscape design with their own hands. Photos of the most common design trends will tell you how to combine the elements and place them on the site.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

For an ordinary owner of a summer cottage, it is not necessary to adhere to all the requirements of a particular style, but it’s still worth being aware of them.

Regular style calls for neatness and clear geometric lines. Exactly trimmed lawns, hedges from neat bushes, flower beds symmetrically diverge from the thematic center. Fountains and sculptures are used as decorative compositions. In each element is felt the hand of man.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

It is interesting! A striking example of a regular style is the landscape design of Versailles Park in France.

Landscape style more natural. It uses the idea of ​​a natural landscape. For landscaping in this style suitable perennial shrubs and flowers, conifers. A pond or creek will be complementary in unity with nature.

One of the varieties of this style is alpine. Multi-level flowerbeds from wild flowers and plants, conifers, rockeries from natural stone imitate mountainous terrain.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Country style will not require much effort. Clay products, wicker fence and furniture made of wicker will be suitable as a decor. Unpretentious flower beds and wooden decorative structures in the form of carts will complement the overall picture and give the feeling of being in the courtyard of an old village house.

This style is suitable for giving, as well as for creating your own simple landscape design of the courtyard of a private house. Photo examples of country-style landscape projects illustrate how attractive it can be.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

There are many other thematic styles: Oriental, Japanese, Exotic, Mediterranean. But, basically, most of the owner of country plots stops at a free style. It is possible to combine elements of different design trends and bring the look of the summer cottage to perfection.

Flowers give brightness and elegance. It does not matter where they grow – in flowerbeds, in pots, placed on the site or on the windows of the house. They can please the eye from spring to the first frost. To do this, you just need to choose them correctly, given the period of seasonal flowering and the way of planting.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Flowers are annual, biennial and perennial. They can be spread out patterned carpet, or serve as a hedge. If you are lazy to constantly care for the flower garden, choose perennial and bulbous plants. Every year they will delight you with bloom according to your chosen scheme. A variety can be made using the same age.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

When creating a landscaped garden area, you can decorate flowerbeds with your own hands in the following ways:

  • rabatka – This is a strip of flowers bordering the lawn. Carpet varieties (pelargonium, stonecrop, Byzantine chistets, metal echeveria, silver wormwood) growing in the form of a thick cover are suitable for rabatki. With their help, you can create any picture or pattern on the flowerbed. Combining colors will enhance the effect;
  • border. Flowers while planted in the form of borders. To do this, take stunted annuals or perennial flowers (dwarf asters, marigolds, ageratum, iberis);
  • mixborder – flower beds of different shapes and levels. In mixborders combine different groups of flowers so that the flowerbed blossoms all the time. For this purpose, annual and perennial plants with different flowering times are selected. This is a troublesome thing, but by working hard you can achieve the desired result for several seasons.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Vertical gardening is used not only in decoration. With it, you can, for example, hide the ugliness of a dull wall or an unaesthetic fence, shade a gazebo or hide a bench in the depths of the garden from your eyes.

For vertical gardening using climbers such as grapes, hops, sweet peas. The most common is the use of clematis in landscape design. Photographs of vertical and horizontal gardening with clematis confirm this.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

This plant affects a variety of shapes and shades. What allows to apply it in different design ideas. Clematis grows magnificently, its dense foliage gives coolness on a hot day and can even protect against rain. Apply it as a hedge, for decorating tree trunks, pipes, arches, arbors, pergolas.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

You can also frame a rock garden or an alley with clematis. The soft color of clematis will be the perfect backdrop for other flowers when creating a flower bed. Having landed several shades nearby, you can achieve the effect of a green carpet with a bright palette of colors.

Working with this plant, it is necessary to consider some of the nuances of its use. The thick foliage of clematis badly lets in the sun rays, as a result of which moisture can accumulate under it, so you should not decorate the northern walls with it.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Not in time, the trimmed pagons can braid windows or electric wires, and the foliage that fell from it during untimely harvesting can clog the plums. Clematis grows heavily and requires constant care, but this is not a high price for beauty and the picturesque view that this plant gives.

The area of ​​the 10 hectare plot allows you to place both fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. So that fruit trees do not dry out and long pleased you with fruits and appearance, you should definitely take into account the peculiarities of the soil and microclimate, the illumination and shade of the site, the prevailing wind, relief, density and size of the crown.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

It is important! Fruit trees are planted on the north side of the plot so that they do not shade the beds during the day. Plant height should increase from south to north.

For decorative purposes, designers often use conifers. They do not require careful maintenance, can serve as a hedge, give a shade in the summer and enjoy the greens in the winter. Also, from a practical point of view, they can be used as camouflage for a compost pit or outdoor bathroom.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Favorite in landscape design are such types of conifers, such as thuja, pine, spruce, juniper. Their range is quite wide. Having picked up several types, it is possible to issue tastefully all site. They found wide application in landscape design of a thuja (photos of decorating a site with thujas will suggest the best options for their placement).

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

In order to make a harmonious composition, it is necessary to know the properties of each type of tui. There are three main categories:

  • undersized tui (Danica, Dorrit Little, Khozeri);
  • thujas used in hedges (Brabant and Smaragd);
  • single shrubs (Kornik, Reinhold).

It is worth saying a few words about the varieties of tui. “Danica” has a spherical shape with a crown diameter of about one meter. Needles looking up, give this sort of accuracy even without a haircut.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

The crown “Dorrit Little” is also spherical, but slightly smaller than the Dannics. Needles directed from the trunk. With regular trimming such a tree will look very elegant. Short stature (about 80 cm) allows this variety to be used in the separation zones on the site.

A hedge of thuy always looks solemn. For this, sredneroslyi thuja of such varieties as Smaragd and Reinhold are used. They reach a height of one and a half meters and can not only beautify the site, but also protect it from prying eyes. These varieties perfectly tolerate the winter and are not demanding to care.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

In order for the thuja seedling to settle down, it should be planted in a well-lit place and initially watered thoroughly.

Soak up the shade on a sunny day or admire the rain in the fresh air in the gazebo or pergola. These garden buildings differ in that in the gazebo there is a capital roof and walls with large window openings.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

Pergola is also a canopy on the supports. The lattice cover for pergolas is decorated with climbing plants (clematis, grapes). Due to this, the pergola is reminiscent of a wicked natural arbor. With its help, you can create a spatial separation of the garden, to protect the recreation area.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

A place for a gazebo or pergolas must be prepared in advance. You can place them on a concrete foundation or tile, connected with the house by a paved path. The optimal pergola height is about 2.5 m. The width and length depend on the preferences of the owners and free space. If you constantly gather large companies, you should build a pergola or a gazebo bigger.

Helpful advice! For the pergola not to tip over from a strong wind or a load of plants, the supporting pillars for it must be made of durable materials (wood, metal) and firmly “sit” in the ground.

Landscape design of the suburban area of ​​10 hundred parts with their own hands: photos of exemplary projects

To decorate the pergola or gazebo, you can use vertical gardening of climbing plants and hanging baskets with flowers. The perimeter is decorated with carpet or curb flowers or undersized coniferous trees. It will be appropriate to break a flower bed, or an artificial pond near the gazebo, in order to admire the picturesque view during the rest.

As we see, with perseverance and the right approach, it is quite possible to equip not only a functional, but also a beautiful garden plot. And the realization that he was created with his own hands, will give an uniqueness to the atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, to which he will want to return again and again.

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