MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

A variety of wall panels are used in the repair process very often. However, many, when choosing, are guided solely by price, ignoring many important technical characteristics that determine not only the useful life of the material, but also the effect it can have on human health. Consider what is remarkable MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo examples, characteristics and features of the operation of this material.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo samples, advantages and disadvantages

If you look at the catalog of wall MDF panels, you will find that outwardly this material is not much different from all other boards of fiberboard origin, which are made by pressing wood chips under strong pressure with the addition of special organic bonding materials. Due to the effect of pressure and high temperature, the final product has a dense homogeneous structure, which greatly expands the possibilities of its processing even in comparison with natural wood.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

In order to make a sheet of MDF, as a rule, use the products obtained from wood processing or low-grade wood. At the same time, the product, which is obtained as a result, fully complies with the established environmental and technical requirements and provides extremely wide opportunities for use. MDF plates are painted or pasted over with a special film, which gives them an excellent appearance.

Among the advantages that MDF has in comparison with other similar materials, there are:

  • total absence of synthetic substances, environmental friendliness;
  • providing additional sound insulation;
  • resistance to moisture: high-quality panels are not deformed by steam or water;
  • The slab can be independently decorated in any style using one of the methods of its final finishing;

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

  • the surface of this material is not a favorable environment for the emergence and development of various microorganisms, mold and fungi;
  • the material is perfectly amenable to any machining, including sawing and decorative carving;
  • MDF plates have a dense structure, due to which they perfectly hold the elements fastened with self-tapping screws or nailed to them with nails;

If you compare the MDF panel with standard plywood, then the first option can boast not only better performance (moisture resistance, absence of defects), but also a better price.

Even in comparison with natural wood, MDF boards have their advantages: it is also more resistant to the appearance and development of various microorganisms on the surface, a more ideal surface, and uniform density throughout the thickness. But the main thing is that the cost of MDF is 60-70% lower, and this is a significant savings, especially if you have to finish the whole room.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

You often hear a comparison of MDF with particleboard, but in this case you should pay attention not only to the serious technical superiority of the first, but also to the fact that in the process of making particleboard they use resins that are able to release dangerous gas formaldehyde. Being a toxic substance, it can cause many serious illnesses. But such risks can not be justified by any savings.

Helpful advice! In order to be sure that you have purchased high-quality and environmentally friendly products, be sure to ask the seller the appropriate certificates for each consignment.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

In addition to the highest level of environmental safety, MDF is famous for its many excellent technical characteristics. However, like every material, MDF also has drawbacks that somehow have to be taken into account. You need to know about them to avoid unpleasant situations.

The main disadvantage of this material is that it ignites very easily. Moreover, the reason for a fire can be not only direct contact with an open flame, but also with a hot surface. In addition, there are cases where the cause of a fire was faulty wiring, laid in close proximity to MDF.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

It is possible to fight this increased fire hazard, and many manufacturers indicate that their products are fireproof. However, it is also worthwhile to exercise special vigilance and see this by requesting documentation confirming this fact. But even in the case of purchasing quality products, you should not place MDF in close proximity to sources of fire.

All types of MDF panels are manufactured according to the same principle. Nevertheless, MDF plates differ in size, appearance and some technical characteristics. Thanks to this separation, it is possible to choose material for various jobs, giving preference to one type or another, depending on the specific operating conditions. Consider the three main options.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

Full pressed sheet products – these are panels which are characterized by medium density and are very often used as a facing material for office premises. They are smooth on both sides of the strip, consisting of a fibrous material.

For attaching one-piece sheets most often use special clips. Glue is less commonly used, since this method requires a very smooth base, devoid of any irregularities or defects.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

Laminated material differs from the first option in that it has an additional coating of a special colorless varnish. This adds moisture resistance to the panel, and also significantly extends its service life. In addition, this panel also looks very good.

However, it is important to understand that lamination is not capable of providing full moisture resistance of the material and it is impossible to use such MDF panels, for example, in the bathroom. It is better to use them for facing doorways, etc.

The most stable and durable panels are considered to be moisture resistant plates. Among all others, they have the best water resistance, retain heat well, and are well insulated from noise. They can be used both in the kitchen and in the bathroom, without fear of deformation due to prolonged exposure to water.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

As for the price of MDF panels for the walls, the easiest and cheapest option is one-piece sheets. They have the simplest characteristics and their cost, respectively, is lower than others. If you buy a panel with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm, then it will cost only 170-400 rubles per meter ?, depending on the brand.

Laminated panels will cost considerably more: about 450-550 rubles per slab, 16 mm thick. Well, moisture-proof plates have not a small price at all: the cost of a thin 8-millimeter panel starts from 400 rubles and can greatly increase, depending on the popularity of the manufacturer.

Helpful advice! Some manufacturers additionally offer fire-resistant panels, which are characterized by increased fire safety. The cost of such panels is much higher, but you can consider this option.

MDF wall panels: prices, catalog of photo-ideas and main technical characteristics

The most popular among the companies that manufacture MDF panels is the manufacturer Kronostar. Its products are the perfect example of price and quality. On many sites engaged in the implementation, you can see the photo, the prices of MDF panels for the walls, as well as select the appropriate colors from a huge selection of shades offered.

Of course, the cost of the panel will depend on many factors, including the size of the MDF sheet, the presence of a protective coating, as well as some technical characteristics. Thus, the price per square meter of solid-pressed plates produced by Kronostar has the following rates: with a thickness of 6 mm – 160 rubles; 8 mm – 200 rubles; 10 mm – 260 rubles; 12 mm – 300 rubles; 18-19 mm – 450-470 rubles; 22 mm – 570 rubles; 25 mm – 680 rubles.

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