Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

Why do you need to attend to the question of how to properly do the ventilation in the bath? On how properly arranged the ventilation in the bath, depends not only the maintenance of a comfortable temperature in the waiting room, washing room, steam room, rest room, but also safety, as well as the service life of the building and its parts. When designing a bath and starting its construction, it should be remembered that the ventilation in the bath with your own hands should be done taking into account certain subtleties and nuances. With their own hands, with the help of instructions, photos and videos, the work can be performed at all stages of the installation of ventilation in the bath and steam room.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

The principle of operation of the ventilation system in the bath

The action of the ventilation system is based on well-known physical laws, and the scheme of its device is simple and clear. For continuous air circulation, two holes are required:

  • inflow;
  • exhaust

Air inlets are needed for fresh air to enter the room. With proper ventilation in the bath, they should be located as close as possible to the floor and near the stove. With this arrangement, the incoming air heats up quickly and the temperature is constantly maintained in the bath.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

Exhaust holes are designed to remove superheated humid air and carbon monoxide from the steam room. They should be arranged as high as possible, that is, just below the level of the ceiling, and be opposite the inlet openings in order to create and maintain constant air exchange.

Tip! Exhaust in the ceiling will lead to rapid cooling of the room, so its location is undesirable.

With the principal localization of the inlet and exhaust openings with the device ventilation in the bath with their own hands there is no difficulty. But the task of maintaining a high temperature in a steam room while at the same time effectively removing exhaust air and carbon monoxide from it is not easy.

You also need to pay attention to the preservation of temperature, comfortable and for sanitary procedures, and for rest, in all parts of the bath: dressing room, washing room, room for relaxation. And if you have to create and implement a ventilation scheme in the bath with your own hands, you should think about competent performance of work.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

There are two types of ventilation:

  • natural;
  • forced

Which one to choose when making a ventilation system with your own hands depends on the design of the bath and the volume of its premises.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

This type of ventilation works due to the difference in temperature and pressure inside and outside the room. The effectiveness of its work depends on the placement of the holes for the air inlet and outlet. The most suitable solution is that the inlet openings are located near the floor, at a height of 250-350 mm, next to the furnace, and exhaust air – on the wall opposite from them, below the ceiling by 150-200 mm.

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Natural ventilation systems are not suitable for ventilation of a steam room or a steam room, since the cold air in this room is collected near the floor, and the hot air in the upper part. Configuring the movement of air flow is accompanied by difficulties, but with the correct location of the ventilation elements in the steam bath of a Russian bath, it is possible to cope with this problem with your own hands.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

For this type of ventilation in the steam room of a Russian bath or sauna, two subspecies can be distinguished:

  1. Ventilation with the help of special electronic systems that control the temperature and humidity of the air, with the help of automation, adjusting its flow and filtration. Such systems are quite expensive, and their use is often knocked out of the budget.
  2. Combined ventilation system, when due to the use of fans get the effect of natural ventilation.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

Natural ventilation, provided that the vents are properly located and that their sizes correspond to the volume of the premises, functions well in a Russian bath assembled from a log or a bar.

The frame building is a hermetic construction. It is advisable in the baths of the frame to use forced ventilation. The air inlet in the outer wall of the steam room should be additionally equipped with a blower fan.

In a brick or foam block building, only forced ventilation is possible.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

Before you start choosing the scheme of ventilation in the bath and the device of its design with your own hands, you need to understand the subtleties and nuances of design.

Fact! Even small errors in the layout of the supply and exhaust holes lead to undesirable consequences. In the steam room, either the constant air temperature will drop or the concentration of carbon monoxide will increase.

When building any bath – the ventilation of the bath and its basic scheme is laid during the construction process. The question “how to make ventilation in the bath” should be solved at the design stage.

The ventilation ducts of the waiting room, washing room, steam room, rest rooms and openings for the inflow of fresh air and the removal of a mixture of carbon monoxide gases with spent wet and hot air masses should be laid at the appropriate stages of construction. Latches and grids for regulating the size of the inlet and exhaust openings and sections of ventilation ducts are installed already at the stage of finishing the premises.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

Basically, the functioning of the ventilation of the bath depends on two factors:

  • the size of the ventilation openings – both supply and exhaust – which are determined by the volume of the room, whether it is a waiting room, washing room, steam room or a rest room;
  • interposition of air vents.

The dimensions of the ventilation openings depend on the volume of a specific room: a waiting room, a steam room, a washing room or a rest room. It is very important as an accurate calculation of the size of these openings, and ensuring the possibility of changing it. To adjust the gaps in the openings set the door-gate and grille.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

It is necessary to take into account that with large sizes of ventilation windows it will be difficult to heat the room to the correct temperature. There will be either the danger of constant excessive consumption of fuel and electricity, or difficulties with adjusting the cross section of the ventilation ducts, that is, the distance that you need to open each opening with your own hands.

Tip! The area of ​​the ventilation opening is determined at the rate of 24 cm? on 1 m? the volume of the ventilated room. For good fresh air from the outside, the exhaust port should be larger than the inlet.

If the area of ​​the ventilation holes is insufficient, the temperature, humidity and concentration of carbon monoxide in the room can rise to critical values.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

The action of any ventilation system is based on the replacement of masses of heated air, which come into motion under the pressure of the air entering from the outside — colder and heavier. It is important to ensure that it is possible to regulate the direction of the flow of heat coming from the furnace installed in the bath. Ventilation in the steam room is often not equipped with a single inlet, but two precisely for this reason. To localize heat flow, it is sufficient to create a lumen of a certain width in one of them or in both with the help of valves.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

The quality of the ventilation system of the bath, designed and assembled by hand, is laid at the design stage.

The airflows circulating in the rooms will have different temperatures, but the discomfort from this should be felt as little as possible.

Tip! Comfort in the bath depends not only on the absence of sudden temperature changes “horizontally”, that is, when moving from one room to another: from the rest room to the dressing room or from the steam room to the washing room. It is necessary to gently move the air masses vertically: the air temperature near the floor should not be much lower than the temperature at the average human height.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

The uniformity of the receipt, mixing and removal of air masses depends on the number of supply and exhaust openings, their size, location relative to each other and heating devices, as well as equipment with additional control devices.

Any scheme of ventilation of the bath is developed with one goal – to maintain the temperature, humidity and freshness of the air in the steam room. The premises of the bath, and especially the steam room, are exposed to water and steam, therefore they need to be periodically ventilated and dried. But airing and drying will be ineffective if proper ventilation is not organized in the bath. Proper and constant ventilation of the steam bath significantly reduces the effects of wood absorbing moisture.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

Air exchange in the bath rooms is facilitated by the installation of a ventilated floor.

Wooden floor with constant contact with water loses its usefulness after 5 years. Requirements for ventilation through the floor:

  • to create a stream to make small vents in the foundation of the bath;
  • lay the floor, leaving between the boards of the gap to 1 cm;
  • to lay the inlet holes in parallel walls (not forgetting to protect them from the rodents with grills);
  • in order for the oven to work with additional exhaust, lay the finishing floor above the level of the blower;
  • after using the bath, leave the door open until the floor is dry.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

With your own hands, in the presence of photo and video instructions, it is easiest to do the ventilation in the bathhouse’s rest room and in the dressing room because there is no direct contact with water. A natural or combined type of ventilation is used, when fresh air enters through the intake channel and is discharged with the help of a fan through the exhaust channel of a steam room, vestibule or bathroom. It is also possible to install ventilators, which will require direct output to the street and the connection of power supply.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

For air in the washing often make the system of forced ventilation, which is driven by an electric motor. Air flows lead to the side of the vestibule. The intake and exhaust ducts make one section, the entrance of the first is set above the ground level (2 m), and the output of the second is above the roof.

The requirements for the microclimate of the room are special. It should warm up quickly, it should maintain an optimal level of humidity and be free of drafts. Therefore, the correct position and dimensions of the supply and exhaust channels, which are laid during construction, are relevant for the steam room. To regulate the inflow and outflow of air, there is enough valve in the vent, but if the room is large, an injection or exhaust fan may be needed.

Ventilation in the bath with his own hands: how to do it right

The above general principles of designing ventilation in a bath, videos and photos attached to instructions from network or other resources should help those who want to build a bath with their own hands to bring this desire to a specific incarnation.

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