How to install drywall correctly

Drywall has many benefits. Firstly, it is lightweight, so it is recommended to use it for finishing load-bearing walls, which should not be overloaded. If you chose drywall, installing it yourself will not create problems, this requires minimal skills and a set of tools..

Drywall – basic information

It is a building material that is extremely common today. It is made from gypsum sheets, which are held together with special cardboard..

Drywall comes in different thicknesses. According to this parameter, the most popular types of building materials are from 6.5 to 24 mm. In width, the dimensions of the sheet are 600 mm or 1200 mm in width, and in length – 2000 mm or 4000 mm. Plasterboard panels can also be adapted in size to the individual needs of the investor, that is, to the construction project, the size of the room or other preferences of the buyer of such a board..

Types of drywall

Several types of sheets are currently available on the market. The functions are distinguished:

  • ordinary drywall;
  • impregnated drywall with increased moisture resistance;
  • fire resistant plasterboards.

Installation of drywall on the wall depends on the characteristics of the material.

Plasterboard installation of a standard type is carried out in houses and apartments as public surfaces. It is recommended to use them in rooms with air humidity not exceeding 70%. Impregnated gypsum boards with increased moisture resistance are usually produced in green color and are durable sheets with high water resistance, so they can be used in rooms with a humidity of more than 70%, but at the same time less than 90%.

If fire-resistant drywall is being mounted, do-it-yourself installation on the wall follows the same pattern as for ordinary and moisture-resistant material. Fire resistant gypsum board is usually made in red color and is a material with high resistance to heat and fire. Such sheets are recommended for use in rooms with increased requirements for fire resistance, as well as in attics of buildings. The impregnated fire retardant material with increased moisture resistance is an example of the hardest type, with water repellency and fire retardant properties. This type of building material is a drywall containing fiberglass and special water-repellent substances. This form of slab is recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, but also with a high degree of fire exposure, especially in attics and bathrooms..

Installing interior drywall partitions with your own hands

When purchasing this building material, you should pay attention to their correct installation. The assembly and preliminary preparation of the sheets itself is not difficult, but requires appropriate care. Grouting of sheets can be carried out in two ways: without scotch tape, with the use of putty compounds, and also with the use of plaster mass and special tape. It is recommended to use fiberglass paper tapes or special tapes for interior corners. The following works are carried out in sequence: milling, priming, grouting and restoration of gypsum boards, reinforcing the joints of the boards, applying a layer of gypsum, grouting the inner and outer corners, leveling the joints, pouring whole gypsum boards and final grinding of the gypsum boards.

It is important to make sure that it is properly attached to the base before grouting. Installation of plasterboard partitions is carried out on a special metal frame structure, which guarantees maximum stability when connecting individual plates with tapes.

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