Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

Due to its aesthetic appearance and unique properties, the undisputed leader of finishing materials is the floor tile for the corridor and the kitchen: photos of modern interiors clearly demonstrate this. But how to choose a suitable tile among the many different offers on the market? Buying flooring is not an easy task that requires a careful approach to its solution. After all, to create not only stylish, but also high-quality interior, it is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics and features of this material. After reading the article and the proposed photo floor tiles in the interior, you can easily make an independent choice.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

Advantages and disadvantages of floor tiles

The tile has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  • hygiene – tile is considered the best finishing material for rooms with high levels of pollution. The smooth and even surface is easy to clean, does not accumulate dust and is well tolerated in washing even with the use of aggressive household chemicals. The latter is a big plus, as the floor in the kitchen and hallway is constantly exposed to moisture, which can contribute to the appearance of mold and harmful bacteria;

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • strength – with high-quality tile laying, it is able to withstand significant loads from shocks. In addition, it is not subject to mechanical damage and loss of color;
  • durability – a quality laid tile can last you up to 50 years without losing its visual appeal;
  • moisture resistance – not afraid of high humidity and even flooding;

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • fire resistance – ceramic tiles do not react to temperature increase and will not burn in case of fire;
  • ease of restoration – in case of damage there is no need to change the entire floor covering. You can easily replace a separate section, returning the original look to the interior;
  • environmental friendliness – ceramic tiles are safe for health;

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • a wide choice – numerous variants of colors, patterns, sizes, as well as a variety of tile textures make it possible to create not only a practical, but also a visually attractive design.

Specialized online resources will help you to get acquainted with a variety of photos of floor tiles for the hallway. Prices for this material can be viewed on the sites of building stores.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

But, like any coating, tile has a number of drawbacks. We list the difficulties associated with laying tiles, and options for eliminating them:

  • poor-quality installation can lead to cracks, so you need to prepare in advance an even and dry base;
  • tile has poor sound insulation properties. This disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of a special layer, which is laid during the creation of the screed;

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • tile is a rather cold material. But at the same time, the tile has excellent thermal conductivity, so that the problem can be solved by installing the “warm floor” system;
  • tile – a slippery coating, so it is better to give preference to tile with a rough texture.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

To choose not only beautiful, but also high-quality tile, pay attention to the labeling. The manufacturer must indicate on the packaging such indicators:

  • PEI – the level of wear resistance of ceramic tiles. Measured on a scale of 1 to 5 units;
  • the percentage of moisture resistance of the material;
  • the size of the floor tiles;

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • material resistance to chemicals. Classification is from D to AA, where D is the minimum indicator, AA is the maximum;
  • the way in which the product was produced (the letter B stands for the pressing process, the letter A – extrusion);

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • tile hardness. This indicator is measured on a ten-point scale of the MEP. The greater the number indicated on the package, the greater the hardness of the tile;
  • grade tiles. It is easy to recognize by the color of the label on the package. Thus, red indicates 1 grade of material, blue – 2 grade, green – 3. The higher the grade of the product being purchased, the higher its price.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

Helpful advice! It is not worth saving, choosing a tile of a lower grade. According to the standards, no more than 5% of defective products are allowed in a first-class lot, while for a third-grade tile this figure reaches 25%.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

Characteristics, which should have tile, designed as a floor covering in the hallway and kitchen:

  • floor tiles in the kitchen and in the corridor should have a wear resistance class of at least PEI 3;
  • the resistance of the material should not be less than 3%;
  • coefficient of friction should not exceed 0.75%;

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

  • among manufacturers, market leaders are companies from countries such as Spain and Italy;
  • the type of tile is better to choose the first;
  • The size and shape of the tile can be any depending on your preferences.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

Helpful advice! When choosing a floor for the corridor and the kitchen is not necessary to buy tiles with high technical characteristics. In practice, you can hardly notice a big difference, but the price of such products is much higher than for the same materials with average values.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

The standard dimensions of the floor tile are 30×30 cm, 20×30 cm, 20×25 cm, 20×20 cm, 10×15 cm, 10×10 cm. However, now you can purchase products of larger sizes – 40×40 cm, 60X100 cm, 70×120 cm.

The most common forms of tile are square and rectangle (in this case, the aspect ratio can be absolutely anything – 1/2, 1/3, etc.). Elongated “sticks” are much less common.

Tile on the floor for the corridor and the kitchen: photos, tips on choosing and laying

Choosing a tile, you will encounter a huge range of this finishing material. Tiles differ from each other not only in size and shape, but also in texture and color.

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