Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

In order to extend the operational life of the car, you must keep it in a comfortable environment. Any machine does not tolerate low temperatures and high levels of humidity, which can cause it to break. To protect the car from adverse environmental factors, it is recommended to build a frame garage with your own hands. Such work has many nuances to be studied.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Frame garage do it yourself: advantages

In the past few years, certain construction technologies have become more popular than traditional stone buildings. This applies to frame houses and garages. This design is easy to install. When using high-quality materials, as well as compliance with all building codes and regulations, the end result is not inferior to classic stone structures. In some aspects, the frame structures even surpass their predecessors.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

The operational life of such a garage depends entirely on how reliably the foundation was made. And also a very important factor is the strength of the fixings of the supporting elements. Simple installation allows you to save money and complete the construction as soon as possible. And materials that are commonly used for this purpose are affordable and have a relatively low cost.

Another advantage of frame structures – low weight. This advantage eliminates the need to attract specialized equipment during construction. In addition, the low weight of materials reduces the cost of their transportation.

Note! Material for frame garage can be different. For construction use wood or metal elements – the choice of the owner of the car.

Among other advantages of such a structure, many people have noted low thermal conductivity. If you intelligently think over and carry out garage warming, then in the winter period the car will be in comfortable conditions. The strength of the structure also raises no questions.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Before construction, you need to focus on each stage. The choice of the type of garage will depend on the degree of protection of your car. Despite the fact that many experts point out a small role of the material in the final characteristics of the building, there is still a difference. Therefore, the choice of the type of construction must be approached with the utmost seriousness, taking into account all the pros and cons.

For self-erection of this design it is necessary to have basic skills in the field of construction. It is advisable to learn how to use the grinder, and also need to know how to handle welding equipment. Without these skills, building will be much more difficult. For the installation of a modern carcass-based garage you will need two people.

The event for the construction of a frame structure consists of the following steps:

  • site selection and preparation;
  • foundation organization;
  • walling;
  • roof mounting;
  • plating and insulation;
  • installation of the gate.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Additionally, it is recommended to take into account the arrangement of the interior of the frame structure. To store various tools and spare parts for a car, you will need to assemble a rack in the garage

The presentation of a brief sequence of actions will help in drawing up a plan and a drawing of a future construction. The first step is to find a place for the garage. This takes into account the fact that the structure should be organized short and free access. Next is preparing the site for construction.

Construction of frame garage begins with the foundation. There are several options for creating the basis for this building. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Then you can proceed directly to the construction of a house for your car. It all starts with walling. Next, the installation of the roof, the resulting building is insulated. At the end of the gate is installed.

To protect the metal structure from corrosion, it is recommended to use paint that does not allow the walls and the roof to rust. It is worth noting that if you wish, you can buy a finished box. The price of a frame garage depends on the materials from which it is made. The budget version of the metal can be purchased for about 90-100 thousand rubles.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

To date, there is the possibility of choosing the material from which the frame structure will be constructed. The most popular at present are the following types of structures:

  • from a professional flooring;
  • from a bar;
  • frame-shield

It should be said that each material has its own characteristics, not only operational, but also assembly. Before you choose the type of construction, be sure to learn all the nuances of the construction of buildings.

If we sum up the cost of materials that will be required for the construction of such a structure, then the final price will be about 30 thousand rubles. Thus, the metal garage, assembled from corrugated board, is attractive from a financial point of view.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Regardless of what material is used to build an autogarage, its optimal dimensions are 4.5 to 3.5 m. It is worth remembering that such dimensions are suitable for maintaining one car. To build a frame garage for 2 cars will need more space.

The garage must be designed in such a way that it can accommodate not only the car, but also the necessary tools. The need for usable space does not end there. Inside it is necessary to organize everything so that there is a place for movement.

For the wall and roof can be used various metal profiles. Experts recommend using the most common version of the cladding frame – sheets of the brand C10. The length of such a metal profile is 2 m. As for the thickness, you should not use sheets with less than 0.5 mm for the installation of a garage made of corrugated flooring with your own hands.

Note! For the construction of a standard garage design, you must purchase about 23 sheets of this material. Most of them will go to the installation of walls.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

The technology of creating walls involves the use of roofing screws. The joining of individual sheets is carried out as follows: the edge of the next sheet comes to the previous element (overlapped). When sheeting the roof with a professional flooring, it should be noted that a small overhang will be required to discharge precipitation. For this purpose, it is enough to remove the sheet for a total construction of 10 cm.

The installation time of this type of construction of corrugated, as a rule, does not exceed 7 days. In order to make the garage more durable, it is recommended to connect the struts of the frame with jumpers. As such ribs most often used profiled pipe or metal corner.

It is important to remember that the consumption of material during installation of corrugated flooring is increased by 20%. This figure must be taken into account when calculating the material for future construction.

For the installation of the frame in this case, wooden bars, rather than metal, are used. The material used for the lining is boards, therefore such a construction requires competent insulation. Installation of a frame-shield house does not require preparation of a preliminary drawing. The main thing – to choose a suitable design, manufactured on an industrial scale. In this situation, wall panels and truss will be required.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Another advantage of the shield garages is the fact that its creation requires the least finance. When choosing this type of construction, you can meet only 25 thousand rubles. Despite the simplicity of the design, such a garage copes well with its tasks. The car will be reliably protected from environmental influences.

In order to build your own garage of this type, you must clearly follow a certain sequence of actions that does not differ from the installation of other types of garages.

It is important to remember that all the designs, which are based on the frame, have a small weight. For a garage of this type, it is enough to organize a strip foundation. Panel buildings are distinguished by presentability. Outwardly, they are more like a house. Therefore, such a garage is able not only to protect the car in the cold season, but also to decorate the design of the site.

In this case, the material for the frame is a bar. Experts note that this particular garage has the best performance. The machine inside it will not freeze. However, the positive qualities of such a building often levels its cost, which is 2 times higher than the price of previous types of garage. This fact often becomes the reason for the refusal to install such a garage with their own hands. Photos of houses from a bar allow you to visually evaluate the advantages of this design.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Many motorists are advised to choose this option, as it is characterized by reliability and long operational life. Wooden bars have some advantages over metal shaped pipes, among their advantages note:

  • ease of installation;
  • a light weight;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • presentable appearance.

Before starting the installation of such a structure, it is necessary to pay attention to some nuances. To install the frame should be selected quality and durable bars. For a wooden garage with your own hands it is recommended to organize a regular strip foundation. Its depth may vary depending on the design features (60-80 cm).

Note! Before you begin to install a wooden frame, be sure to make a drawing. It should contain all the calculated information about the sizes of bars, their number, connecting products, etc. The more detailed the scheme, the easier it will be to navigate during operation.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

When erecting this construction, the masters advise to make the joining of the bars as simple as possible (for example, overlap). However, in this case costs will increase. As for the type of bars, today in the construction market you can find two types of these products:

  • whole;
  • glued.

Frame garage do-it-yourself: how easy it is to build a structure

Independent production of a frame garage for a car requires careful preparation, as well as having a set of all the necessary tools. Before proceeding with the installation of this building, it is recommended to consult with experts. During installation, follow the instructions and pay attention to the tips of the masters. It is worth to visit the profile forum where you can find a lot of useful tips that will help simplify the process of building a frame garage with your own hands.

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