Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

This article discusses the beds for the lazy: photos of the most simple to manufacture structures for those who want to get a neat garden, while making a minimum of effort, the most common materials and technologies for creating structures based on them. The reader will learn to combine vegetables in one garden and prepare the ground for planting cucumbers. The article contains practical recommendations for beginners.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Beds for the lazy: photos and basic information for novice gardeners

Designing the right beds in the garden will be the solution to many problems and will open up new opportunities for the owner of the summer cottage:

  • protection against soil erosion in the garden with a large amount of precipitation or watering plants. The sides of the beds will keep the nutrient soil in place, preventing it from leaching to the tracks. In addition, the aisles between the structures themselves will remain clean, no dirty pools and drips;

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

  • the possibility of forming the basis for the creation of a temporary greenhouse for spring. Having installed high sides as fences, a multi-layered bed can be organized inside the structure, which can be used as a greenhouse. To do this, it is enough to install special arcs and stretch the film. The result is a neat greenhouse;
  • improvement of the appearance of the garden by orderly and smooth planting with a beautiful frame;
  • the creation of boundaries that prevent the spread of weeds.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Making your own beds from planks and other materials allows you to clearly limit the landing area, thanks to this weeds and harmful plants do not have the opportunity to spread widely. If the garden fence is digging deeper, the level of protection rises and perennial weeds that the strength to overcome this barrier cannot penetrate the bed.

Note! With the help of beds that have well-buried fences, the distribution of such plants as reed and couch grass is effectively blocked. Their root system is capable of covering long distances underground, if it is not limited.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

For the organization of the garden is used several varieties of beds:

  • standard;
  • high;
  • narrow.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Standard beds are flush with the garden; they do not go deep into the ground and do not protrude above it. In this case, the owner of the territory can independently choose the width, length and character of the location of the beds at the dacha, photos of interesting design options can be seen in this article. As a rule, plantings are placed at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from each other, so that it is easier to care for the plants. To mark the territory it is recommended to use the rope stretched between the pegs. It is allowed to use a special garden marker.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Before proceeding to the manufacture of beds with a narrow design, you should make sure that the building area has a flat surface and a sufficient level of illumination. This type of product is characterized by an increased row spacing. This parameter can sometimes reach 1 m. At the same time, the beds themselves in width do not exceed 0.45 m. The designs of narrow beds slightly rise above the soil level. The difference between the height of the garden and the surface of the plot is 0.2 m.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

In the area where the construction of beds is planned, one should dig up the soil and apply fertilizer. It is not necessary to spend nutritional supplements on the aisles, you only need to process the planting place. As fertilizer can be used dolomite flour or a special complex consisting of mineral substances.

Interesting fact! Narrow designs are also called Mittlider beds (in honor of the man who invented the technology of their manufacture). According to the agronomist, the garden will bring a good harvest, if you carry out regular watering of plants and make nutrient mixtures of industrial production. He, on the contrary, did not recommend using compost and manure.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Any summer resident in the first place decides what to make the beds in the garden, and only then proceeds to further planning and construction, since the technology of their creation depends on the physical and operational indicators of the material. Regardless of his choice, the mechanism of manufacturing structures is almost always the same. Construction begins with the installation of the frame. The standard size of such structures is 0.9 m (width) and 1.2 m (length). After this, the product is filled with fertile soil.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Constructions of hand-made beds from scrap materials can be created on the basis of:

  1. Stone or brick – products from these materials look aesthetically pleasing, while they are characterized by a long service life. The disadvantages of stone or brick frames can be attributed to their cost. In addition, the assembly procedure requires a large amount of time, dismantling the fixed structure can be difficult.
  2. Vines – the most accessible material that is found in nature. Due to the flexibility, the beds can be given any shape, but the service life of such a structure is limited to a short period of time. In addition, you will need to carefully study the method of weaving and get a special tool for cutting branches.
  3. Metal – the material allows you to create lightweight portable structures that can be painted in any color. However, the cost of such a framework is high, and for the work may require welding machine and skills in handling it. Products also need anti-corrosion protection.
  4. Slate is a relatively inexpensive material that provides easy assembly of the structure, but requires utmost care due to its fragility.

Gardens for the lazy: photos and recommendations for creating a garden

Equally important in obtaining a rich harvest is the correct choice of place for the construction of the beds and their layout. It is desirable that the area chosen for the organization of the garden, was smooth and maximally lit by the sun throughout the day.

Note! Most plants need a lot of sunlight. In the afternoon a slight dimming will be helpful.

To make the right choice of place for organizing a garden, it is recommended to spend some time on the site and watch the distribution of light throughout the territory throughout the day. In addition, special attention should be paid to the placement of trees, both on the site, and in the territory of neighbors. This is necessary in order to determine what size the shadow is and where it falls. It should be borne in mind that the area, sunlit in winter, may be shaded in summer, because in the warm season thick bushes appear on bushes and trees.

As an alternative solution, you can build on the territory of the bulk of the hill, which does not have a fence. The length for such a bed can be any, the optimal width parameter is 1 m. Do not raise a decorative garden to a height of more than 1 m. The air that remains in the voids formed between the elements of large organic matter provides good ventilation and promotes rapid heating of the soil.

To speed up the process of decomposition of fertilizers, shedding of the soil is carried out with a solution saturated with special bacteria. The procedure is carried out twice a year. The first time the soil is watered with bacteria in the spring. Before planting plants after processing the beds should wait at least a week. The second spillage of the soil is done in the fall after the harvest has been harvested. When the ground has already been treated with the compound, it should be loosened so that the soil is saturated with oxygen, and the preparation itself is evenly distributed.

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