How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

Quite common material is currently concrete. It is used in the production of various works, from the usual repairs in apartments, ending with capital construction. At the planning stage, the selection of materials, the calculation of their quantity, one has to wonder: how much does a cube weigh? Let’s try to figure out how to do it correctly and what this parameter depends on.

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

General information, characteristics of concrete

In fact, the concept of “weight” for this raw material does not have any exact figures. This is due to the fact that the construction material of such a plan consists of different components, which differ significantly in weight. As components can be applied:

  • rubble;
  • pebbles;
  • gravel;
  • pumice;
  • claydite and others.

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

Under initially equal conditions, the weight of the two solutions can be very different. Even the size of the filler granules affects the mass. The larger the fraction, the lighter the weight, since when kneaded, more voids are formed.

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and compositionBrand of concrete and class of concrete. Table of parameters of concrete. Concrete in modern construction. Classification of types of concrete. Table of marks and grades of concrete. Frost resistance indicators.

At the same time, information about how much a cube weighs in concrete is simply necessary for builders. Based on these numbers, the scope of the material is determined. It is used in determining the type of foundation for various soils, as well as in the calculation of other supporting structures (walls, floors).

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

Important! Data on how much a concrete product weighs can be useful not only during construction, but also during the demolition of buildings.

Depending on the proportion of raw materials and the final mass, concretes are divided into several types. There are heavy and very heavy materials, light and ultra-light. For each individual species in the market reserved its own niche.

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

Heavy concrete, having in its composition hard rock, is used to create the foundations of buildings, foundations and other similar structures. However, when mixing a mortar, the proportion of its components may change, so it is almost impossible to say with certainty how much a cube weighs in concrete. Usually this figure varies in the range: 1900-2500 kg / m ?.

Particularly heavy materials are used relatively rarely. Hematite, barite and even cast-iron and iron-ore elements can be added to this material. Also used for the production of cement of the highest grades, which significantly affects the price of the whole structure. For the construction of private houses and apartments their use is irrational. Particularly difficult options suitable for the construction of large industrial buildings. The average weight of an extra-heavy concrete cube can vary from 2500 to 3000 kg.

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

Such materials are different from their heavy counterparts more porous texture. Due to this, the weight of the cube is 500 – 1900 kg. Their use is limited to lightweight partitions and walls of small buildings. And how much does a cube of concrete is of an ultralight version? The use of the following components: vermiculite, perlite, can significantly reduce the mass. Therefore, the ultralight version can weigh less than 500 kg.

Foam concrete or aerated concrete can be referred to particularly lightweight concrete. The weight reduction in this case occurs due to the bulk, cellular structure. These are worthy competitors to conventional compositions, which have recently become very popular.

How much does a cube weigh? Main characteristics and composition

Important! The use of aerated concrete is possible when creating load-bearing structures, provided that the load on them is not too great.

Some characteristics of concrete can be clarified by opening in SNiP 11-3. The table shows the weight of the material depending on the type of components:

No. p / p A type of concrete Weight in t / m?
one Reinforced concrete 2.5
2 Foam concrete 0.3 – 1.0
3 With the addition of rubble 2.4
four Clay sand 0.5 – 1.6
five With quartz sand 0.8 – 1.2
6 Tuff 1.2 – 1.6
7 With perlite sand 0.8 – 1.0
eight Aerated concrete 0.3 – 1.0


These are approximate indicators, but it is their professional builders who use to determine the total weight. More accurate data is almost impossible to obtain. Additionally, developers calculate the weight of 1 cubic meter, depending on the brand of cement. For heavy materials, this data will look like this:

No. p / p Brand of cement Liquid state (t / m?) Dry condition (t / m?)
one M100 2.366 2,180
2 M150 2.360 2,181
3 M200 2,362 2,182
four M300 2.358 2.183
five M400 2,350 2,170
6 M500 2,355 2,180


As you can see, the weight of concrete depends on numerous factors. Therefore, no one can calculate the exact value up to 1 kg. It is quite enough with the necessary calculations to use approximate figures to determine the weight of the future structure.

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