Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

For the decoration of the interior people have long used stone. This material is perfect for the realization of any design idea, since it blends harmoniously into the interior of the apartment. But if used improperly, a decorative stone in the interior will look rough and uncomfortable. Therefore, how to properly and stylishly use the material as a decor, tell this publication.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

Stone for facing the walls in the apartment: what to choose for finishing

Stone is the strongest, strongest and most durable material. It has been used since the time of the first people on Earth. The strength of the stone is proved by such buildings as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, ancient temples and medieval castles. In addition, natural stone looks extremely beautiful. Therefore, this material is very popular in the design of the premises.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

Loft, minimalism, modern classics and other styles of interior design are not without the participation of decorative and natural stone. The material harmoniously fits into the design of each room, including a bathroom and a balcony. Original look door and window openings. The main thing is not to overdo it and harmoniously supplement the stone with other materials.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

The decor uses such natural rocks: granite and marble, sandstone and slate, malachite and shell rock, quartz and agate. These materials look great after processing, and stone decor is the most fashionable trend. Modern designers choose similar textures for the spectacular design of different surfaces:

  • floor;
  • walls;

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

  • arches;
  • niche;
  • partitions;
  • columns;
  • fireplaces.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

But a minus of natural stones is that they are heavy and expensive. Therefore, architects are increasingly using artificial stone, which by its external characteristics is not inferior to natural. In addition, it is easier to process and, in some cases, better tolerates temperature variations and conditions of high humidity.

Helpful advice! For external works, frost-resistant slabs with minimal strength and rough appearance are used. Lightweight stones are better suited for interior work.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house


Artificial stone in appearance is very similar to natural, but it is not extracted from the earth’s interior. Production of decorative material is carried out manually and industrially. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the solution and pour it into a metal, plastic or silicone form. Dyes, minerals and acrylics are added to the mixture, and then sent under a press at high temperature. After drying, the obtained stone is burned if necessary, and then coated with various special coatings.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

Mineral components in such stones make up to 70%. Due to the variation of colors and textures, get different versions of the finishing material. This artificial stone, due to its decorative characteristics, can replace any natural stone.

Depending on the components, the finishing stone is divided into the following types:

  • ceramic granite;

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

  • concrete stone;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic;
  • polyester.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

Also in the decoration is used liquid stone – the material is in the form of uncured mixture. The flexible stone is popular in an interior. Photos of this material can be viewed in the gallery. The material is a sheet in a roll. According to the technical characteristics it resembles linoleum, it only consists of marble chips and has a rough stone surface.

Decorative stone in the interior: stylish design of the house

Thanks to these stone issues, architects have a wide choice of material for decoration, which perfectly imitates different types of marble, colored sand. Heterogeneous texture makes the interior under the stone unusual, and the decor of the room looks aesthetically pleasing, natural and beautiful.

The use of decorative stone in the interior of the housing allows you to create your own fortress or a cozy corner. It all depends on the chosen style and material for decorating the rooms. The stone in the interior is perfectly combined with wood, wallpaper and all types of artistic plaster. The finished result always turns out to be stylish, original, individual and eloquently testifies to the impeccable taste of the owner.

Just make sure in the wonderful interior decoration with artificial stone in the photo in the gallery. There you will see many interesting ideas for decorating stairs, niches and arches.

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