How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

Modern houses, thanks to plastic windows, external and internal insulation, are becoming quite airtight. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it makes it difficult for fresh air to enter the house, its ventilation is partially stopped or completely absent. To remedy the situation, the owner of the house building needs to draw up a ventilation scheme in a private house with his own hands, or contact specialists to organize a ventilation system in a private house, the scheme of which will be provided by the project.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

Proper ventilation in a private house prevents the formation of condensate, the spread of mold and fungus, creates a favorable microclimate for residents. Ventilation should provide not only living rooms, but also utility rooms: bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, basements, boiler rooms.
Distinguish between natural and forced ventilation in a private house. Installation of some systems may be done by hand.

Creating a natural type ventilation scheme in a private house

Natural ventilation in a private house is that special channels are laid in the walls, through which air is circulated in all rooms, as well as in the fireplace area. Due to the different density of warm and cold air, there is a natural movement of air flows.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The scheme of natural ventilation in a private house shows the location of the vertical duct pipes, which begin in a ventilated room and pass to the ridge on the roof.

To do natural ventilation in a private house with your own hands, it is necessary to lay a channel with a section of 140 mm in the wall (usually carrying). It is important here that the thickness of the laying of the exhaust channel is one and a half bricks. If the thickness of the channel is less, then a reverse thrust effect is possible. The pipe should end above the ridge, which will also contribute to sufficient traction. From this channel are arranged for rooms horizontal bends, whose diameter is 100 mm. You can make the layout of ventilation in a private house from plastic pipes.

Ventilation in a private house with your own hands, the scheme and calculation of the system parameters is quite a feasible process, subject to the norms and recommendations.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The system of forced ventilation in a private house is necessary where natural ventilation is not capable of providing a full renewal of air. Most often, ventilation devices are needed in boiler rooms, bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Appliances with which forced ventilation is carried out are fans and exhaust hoods.

Helpful advice! Forced ventilation removes unpleasant odors from the room, as well as excess moisture. Therefore, if you want a fungus or mold in the bathroom, be sure to take care of the ventilation of such rooms.

To organize forced air exchange, you can use the scheme of ventilation in a private house. The scheme may assume the presence of a wall fan, which is installed at the beginning of the air channel. Despite the fact that the bearing fan is more durable, it creates a lot of unpleasant noise during operation. Bushing devices are much quieter, and they are also cheaper.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The kitchen room is always influenced by smells. The air change here must be made constantly, therefore, forced ventilation, which is simply necessary during cooking, must be enhanced by a stable, natural type of air exchange.

The hood is installed above the stove. This is the most effective way to remove air in this room, since the preparation of certain products produces heat and steam, with appropriate odors. Condensate forms on plastic windows.

When installing the hood with your own hands, it is important to install it at the optimum effective distance from the plate. For gas stoves it is 0.75 m, for electric – 0.65 m.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

Sometimes in the kitchen use air handling unit. It is an element of the supply and exhaust ventilation system and promotes effective air exchange. This system will work properly with sufficient traction. Therefore, when using a fresh air installation, it is important to check the thrust in the ventilation duct. Otherwise, the flow of fresh air will simply be mixed with the used air and spread to other rooms.

Video examples and explanations on the device ventilation in a private house with your own hands, can be found on the Internet.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The ventilation scheme in a private house should not only provide a vent, but also a sufficient amount of air flow. If you do not take care of this, then we can assume that there is no proper ventilation in the house. The tightness of windows and doors is the reason that natural ventilation stops functioning in the house and the air stagnates. In addition, the work of forced air exchange will lead to the opposite effect when, through the natural exhaust channels, the air begins to move in the opposite direction along with all dusty accumulations.

Arrangement of ventilation in the cellar in the garage. The subtleties of the process. Types and advantages of ventilation systems. Installation of a ventilation system with your own hands, the necessary tools.

The rules for organizing the ventilation system should take into account the fact that modern windows and doors do not allow fresh air into the rooms, as it was before. They do not have those gaps that were allowed by the outdated regulations of SNiPs. Even with a well-organized ventilation system, the air in the house may be stale, which is the main sign that it does not have air circulation. Persistent technical and toxic odors, which are derived from glue, wallpaper, linoleum and other building and furniture materials, are installed in such rooms. Moisture and condensation may occur.

For clarity, you can familiarize yourself with examples of ventilation devices in a private house with your own hands (video instructions are on the Internet).

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The ventilation scheme in a private house should be made by hands according to the calculation of all necessary parameters. Calculation of ventilation is made on the basis of data on the area of ​​ventilated rooms and the number of people in them. The air exchange rate is taken at the rate of 10 m? per hour per person.

What air exchange systems are offered in private homes? How to make natural ventilation competently and functionally, so that condensate is not collected, walls do not damp and the air always remains fresh?

The following ventilation methods are suggested:

  • natural ventilation system;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation system;
  • Combined ventilation system (when the supply and exhaust is added to the natural one).

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The choice of DIY installation of a ventilation system in a private house depends on many factors. This state of the environment, materials, construction, construction of the house, and, finally, the financial capabilities of the owner.

There are rooms where additional installations will help balance the microclimate. Therefore, a combined house ventilation system will give an optimal result.

Despite the fact that the scheme of ventilation in a private house with your own hands may seem too simple, with proper approach to its organization, it will provide a comfortable environment in the house.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The most suitable ventilation system for a private house is the supply and exhaust ventilation, where the supply and discharge of air is carried out by force. To install the ventilation system with your own hands, it is necessary to calculate the required air exchange, determine the installation location of the equipment (usually use a dry utility room) and outline the location of the openings for air inlet and outlet. Holes for air intake and exhaust are arranged in opposite corners of the room. Inside the hole insert the pipe and outside closed with gratings. Inside install check valve. The supply and exhaust installation is fixed in the chosen place, the ventilation ducts are attached to it using metal clamps. For ducts use flexible pipes.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

Pipes for ventilation in private homes can be used plastic or aluminum. With the help of bindings channels spread out the rooms of the whole house. Air ducts are usually located above suspended ceilings. Place the exit pipe duct cover ventilation grilles.

Helpful advice! Using a fan in the air handling unit, it is possible to achieve an increase in the rate of discharge of polluted exhaust air.

The supply and exhaust system can be equipped with a heat recuperator that heats the incoming air from the street. Another option for supply and exhaust ventilation is the supply and exhaust system with air conditioning. With the help of this air handling unit, the warm air is cooled.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

Equipping the ventilation system with your own hands in the bathroom, you need to consider that during the use of the bathroom, there is excessive moisture, condensation occurs. Metal parts and elements that are condensed in the bathroom begin to rust.

A bathroom ventilation scheme should be provided for in the project. It involves the installation of a ventilation shaft, the entrance to which from the side of the bath is covered with a grill. The supply air can enter the bathroom through open air vents and the gap between the door and the floor. Natural ventilation ensures optimum humidity and temperature in the bathroom.

Helpful advice! If the bathroom is located on the second or third floor of the house, forced ventilation is used to eliminate moisture and condensate. In such a system, a fan is used.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

In the combined bathrooms and toilets used ventilation sewage in a private house. There are several options for installing ventilation pipes for such rooms. One of them – holding a ventilation pipe along the wall of the house. Such a pipe will look like a drain pipe. The length of the ventilation pipe should be such that its beginning was above the roof covering. It is recommended to use a pipe diameter of 11 cm. Full and detailed instructions can be found in the video materials on the installation of ventilation in bathrooms.

The premise of a basement in a private house is often used for household needs. To avoid moisture and condensation on the walls, the presence of ventilation in the basement of a private house is mandatory. You can arrange simple ventilation with your own hands by punched holes on opposite sides of the base. Cover them with bars so that the rodents could not get into the basement.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

More efficient ventilation of the basement can be done using pipes. For installation, you will need two pipes (diameter 8-15 cm), grilles, visors that protect against precipitation, heat insulation. One end of the supply pipe is installed in the wall hole at a distance of 25-35 cm from the basement floor. The upper end of the pipe is led out through the base to the outside and placed along the wall. The length of the outer part of the pipe should be 50-60 cm. For a more aesthetic appearance, the pipe can be made invisible.

The supply pipe must be installed in the hole under the ceiling of the basement. If the basement is used to store food, it is recommended to place the pipe in close proximity to them. The pipe from the basement is displayed through all ceilings and ends at a height of 40-60 cm from the roof. It should be noted that in private homes the condensate in the ventilation formed in the exhaust pipe will drain into the basement. Therefore, in the basement put the tank, which collects condensate. Pipes for ventilation can be used plastic or asbestos-cement.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

On the Internet you can find various ventilation schemes in a private house. The hands to make installation according to the scheme is much easier. The video will tell about options for installing ventilation systems in the basement of a private house.

When installing the ventilation with your own hands in the boiler room, it is necessary to take into account the binding of the ventilation elements to the location of the heating equipment. Natural or forced ventilation is possible for the boiler room.

Helpful advice! If a solid fuel boiler is installed in the boiler house of your house, it is recommended to install forced ventilation.

The location of the duct pipes in the boiler room can be vertical or horizontal. But at the same time, horizontal air ducts in the boiler room should not contain turning sections and be installed only in the case of forced ventilation. For natural ventilation of the boiler duct, the duct may be vertical and at least three meters long.

How to create a ventilation scheme in a private house with your own hands

The optimal ventilation system in the boiler room is a combined ventilation. If forced ventilation stops functioning in the boiler room, it will partially replace natural ventilation.

Having supplied your house with an effective ventilation system, you will ensure long-term operation of the house structure and preserve your health.


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