Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

Every year, the air we breathe inevitably worsens. This is due to the growing number of enterprises and cars that pollute the atmosphere. To reduce the negative impact on humans, special devices have been developed, the use of which to this day remains a controversial issue. Consider whether to purchase an air ionizer: harm or benefit from its use, and whether there are indications or contraindications to use.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

What is an air ionizer: harm or benefit to humans

It is difficult not to notice how much the air away from the city differs from the one we used to breathe daily. In nature, it is easier to breathe, and the body is much faster saturated with oxygen. This happens because the molecules of pure forest air are more saturated with particles that have positive or negative charges, which are so necessary for a person for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

Natural air ionization has greatly decreased in recent years, which is associated with the widespread use of household electrical appliances, automotive equipment, etc. So in a city where you can only dream of clean air, you can solve this problem with a special device, the air ionizer, which artificially produces these most needed charged particles.

Ionization of air in nature occurs due to radiation from space, as well as thunderstorm discharges of electricity, which help air ions form. This happens as follows: oxygen molecules capture electrons and at the expense of them become negatively infected. And since air ions with negatively charged electrons have an increased biological activity, they enrich oxygen.

It is believed that in closed rooms the concentration of ions is fifteen times lower than the norm, and this can adversely affect the health, performance and overall condition of the human body. Therefore, in order to normalize the level of air ions, it is recommended to use air ionizers.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

Air ionization devices that artificially enrich the environment with charged particles can have both positive and negative effects on humans. The result depends on the power of the device and the concentration of air ions in the room, which is achieved as a result.

Helpful advice! The basic rule of using air ionizers is not to use the device around the clock. Each model is programmed for a specific period that it should work. Information about this necessarily provides the manufacturer.

Ozonizers and air ionizers are often confused, mistakenly believing that this is the same thing. And although the principle of their impact is very similar, there are still some significant differences that must be taken into account in the process of choosing and purchasing the device.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

Ionizers are mainly used for preventive purposes, while ozonizers are considered a therapeutic device. The second option is often used in various medical institutions, and it is not advised to purchase it at will. Buy an ozonator is worth it if you received a recommendation from a doctor. But the ionizer may well be used as a disease prevention.

The first thing to notice when putting an ionizer in an apartment is its effect on small dust particles that fly in the air. It will settle much more on surfaces, so it will have to be cleaned several times more often. It is also worth considering that these devices are not recommended for use while people are in the room.

It is very important to pay attention to the issue of the ratio of the size of the room with the power of the selected device. If the device is too weak, most likely the effect of it will be almost invisible. At the same time, the excessive power of the ionizer can cause an overabundance of ozone molecules in the air, which will have a negative impact on the human body.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

In addition, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer when it comes to choosing a place to install an ionizer. As a rule, the instructions clearly state at what distance it should be from walls and other electrical appliances in order to use it effectively and safely.

The appropriate care of the device is also important. Regular cleaning of the accumulated dust is the key to the proper operation of the ionizer, as well as a guarantee that it will bring benefit, and not harm to the human body.

Helpful advice! When using an ionizer in your home, you should not give up regular airing of the room. Moreover, the room must be ventilated every time before turning on the device.

Thus, it is important to adhere to all rules of operation, as well as recommendations that the manufacturer provides for each specific model. In this case, the use of an ionizer in the house will have an extremely positive effect on living people and will not cause any side effects.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

In order to understand why an air ionizer is needed, it is necessary to study how exactly the release of charged particles into the environment occurs. The device has ionizing electrodes through which current flows when you turn on the device. Due to the presence of a discharge, electrons begin to come off and scatter from the surface, which are subsequently captured by oxygen molecules.

Together with oxygen molecules, ions enter our circulatory system, which carries them throughout the body. Thus, the ions exert their influence on man. What it will be in the first place depends on their concentration.

Air ions are able to penetrate at once in two ways: through the skin or through the lungs. Although, it is worth noting that human skin is responsible for only 1% of the body’s gas exchange, so in this case, the lungs play a much larger role.

However, this is only the technical part, which is rarely interested in users. Much more interesting are the effects that can be seen as a result of the effect of the ionizer on the body.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

The ion-rich air can have a wide variety of effects on the human body. For example, the skin, enriched with such oxygen, alter the sensitivity (pain and tactile). Often it helps to get rid of skin diseases, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc. In addition, the ionizer helps to normalize and accelerate hair growth, which is important for people suffering from baldness or excessive hair loss.

Another positive effect of a bipolar air ionizer is the effect of air ions on the tone of the central nervous system, which has a positive effect on the metabolic processes.

With regard to the effect of the ingress of such air into the interior through the respiratory tract, despite the fact that about 20% of the ions settle in the upper part of the respiratory tract, the remaining 80% penetrating further have a very tangible effect. So, they are able to enhance gas exchange, which occurs in the lungs, and tone the central nervous system.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

Helpful advice! Ionized air allows the body to clear faster and significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

For people suffering from hypertension, circulatory disorders, asthma, or various diseases of the nervous system, the ionizer can also be very useful. Here are some of the main effects that it has on a person:

  • increased activity of the body’s immune system;
  • increased appetite;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the body;
  • improves sleep, eliminates insomnia;
  • increases stamina and reduces fatigue;
  • improves skin condition, preventing early appearance of wrinkles;
  • under the influence of ionized air burns and wounds heal faster;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • serves for the prevention of various viral and infectious diseases;
  • neutralizes the harmful radiation coming from household electrical appliances.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

The use of an air ionizer has a positive effect on the health of people of all ages: children (not recommended for use up to 1 year), adults and the elderly, who are usually more likely to have health problems. Especially strongly positive effect is noticeable during periods when there is an increased risk of getting the flu or a cold.

Helpful advice! Very popular air ionizers Super Plus Turbo. A wide range allows everyone to choose the right option at an affordable price.

Despite all the positive aspects associated with the use of the ionizer, there are also several aspects that indicate the dangers of its use. Consider each of them, and try to figure out whether to abandon this device or perhaps neutralize the negative consequences of its use.

Air ionizer: harm or benefit from the use of the device in the domestic environment

Since the ionizer charges absolutely all the particles that are in the air, dust and bacteria become a big problem. Particles of dust and microorganisms, having received a charge, fly around the room, settling on all surfaces, and especially on the ionizer itself. This factor can cause risks of developing certain diseases.

There is also the false belief that the use of an ionizer can lead to an overdose of the body with ions. Such statements have no scientific basis, since hemoglobin molecules, which are responsible for the supply of oxygen to the cells, can accept a limited number of ions. All the rest are simply excreted by the body without harming a person.

Making conclusions, we can say that the air purifier-ionizer can significantly improve the quality of life. And, despite all the possible side effects, the positive effect that it can have on the body in cases of proper use is much greater than the risks associated with its use. The main thing is to adhere to all the rules and recommendations of the manufacturer, and then you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of this device.

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