Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Each villa owner wants a cozy and warm inside the country house in any weather. Stationary heating systems, including boilers, contours of pipes, radiators and a heated floor system, are a great option for plans to live outside the city for the whole year. But what if the stay in the house is limited only by the summer period? In this case, infrared heaters with a thermostat for the garden – the best solution to the problem of heating a country house.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Infrared heaters with thermostat for gardening: principle of operation

Currently, the market is full of offers and finding the right option will not be a difficult task. The only thing you need to understand is what the selection criteria are and what you should focus on. To begin with, we will look at how the heating system is arranged, then the device itself, the principle of its operation, and the advantages over the classic room heating systems.

If we consider our usual heating system, which consists of water circuits and radiators, it is easy to come to the conclusion that heat is released into space in three ways:

  • direct heat transfer – direct exchange between the surface of the heating device and the surrounding air. This option has a significant drawback – the limited working area of ​​the radiator. It can be increased by increasing the temperature in the system;

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

  • convection is a process directly related to direct heat transfer. The special design of radiators contributes to the formation of convection air currents, which, when heated to the desired temperature, are capable of moving across the entire floor area. Among the disadvantages of this option, we can highlight the fact that the warm air moves upwards, while the floor and the lower level of the room remain cold. Such streams create drafts and carry dust;
  • Thermal radiation also takes place in the classical heating system; however, it is so insignificant that it cannot seriously affect the overall performance. In addition, the area of ​​its distribution is very small.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Infrared heaters for gardening with a thermostat have a fundamentally different principle of operation. Due to electromagnetic waves lying in a certain range, energy is transmitted to a distance. This is how solar energy spreads across our planet, warming objects and substances that come across on the way. And they give it heat to the surrounding air. Thus, the principle of operation of this type of heaters was borrowed from nature itself.

When using the local “sun” placed absolutely anywhere in the room, the furniture, walls, floor and ceiling receive heat, which is then released into the environment, and comfortable conditions are created in the room.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

At first, you may be surprised at the large price range of infrared heaters. The pros and cons of using such a device in your home will help determine the information below.

Consider the main advantages of this type of heaters:

  • high heating rate of even very large rooms and a feeling of warming almost immediately after the heater starts;
  • the absence of convection currents in the process of heating;
  • The efficiency of such devices is almost 100%;
  • comfortable air distribution in the room: the warmest – near the floor, the coolest – near the ceiling;

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

  • As a result of the operation of the device, oxygen does not burn, and the natural level of humidity is preserved;
  • infrared heaters are completely silent;
  • the stylishness and compactness of modern models allow you to choose the right style for any interior;
  • mobility is another significant plus of this type of heaters. You can easily take the device with you or simply rearrange it to a place more convenient for you;
  • fire and electrical safety of such devices at the highest level;
  • the installation and use of an infrared heater does not cause any difficulties even for those users who are not very well versed in the work of electrical appliances.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Not deprived of this type of heating devices and flaws. For example, zone heating, which, on the one hand, is an advantage, on the other, it significantly limits the comfort zone.

You can often find statements about the dangers of infrared heaters. And although, according to all indicators, exposure to the human body of medium and long infrared waves is not dangerous, and sometimes even beneficial, one cannot exclude the option of an individual allergic reaction. This is manifested by excessive tearing and irritability of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Helpful advice! Long-term direct exposure of the infrared rays to the eyes is strictly not recommended. This is fraught with serious corneal burns.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Due to the possible negative effects of infrared heaters, it is necessary to adhere to all recommendations for installation and operation. The device is never placed in such a way as to directly affect a person, for example, above the bed. Before buying, be sure to think about where and how you place the heater.

If you have previously noticed any signs of intolerance to radiation, or simply worry that infrared heaters are harmful to health, you must first consult with your doctor.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

The range on the market of infrared heaters is so great that it is not difficult to choose the device for absolutely any operating conditions. But in order to make the right choice, you need at least a little to understand the specifics and classification of goods.

Depending on the degree of radiation intensity, infrared heaters can be divided into three groups:

  • shortwave with a wavelength range of 0.74 to 2.5 microns – the most powerful devices. For security reasons, such heaters are not used in residential areas and even in stores or shopping centers. The scope of their application – large-scale industrial or public premises: railway stations, production halls, warehouses. The use of some models is permissible to create comfortable recreation areas in the summer areas of restaurants or cafes;

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

  • Medium wave devices occupy an intermediate position and emit waves from 2.5 to 50 microns. The use of such heaters is allowed everywhere, including in public places and residential premises;
  • long-wave heaters (from 50 to 1000 microns) – the safest option in all respects. In these models, the emitter does not heat up to excessively high temperatures, which makes its work almost imperceptible. And the radiation itself in such a range is not only not considered dangerous, but on the contrary – it has a beneficial effect on the human body. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, long-wave heaters can be used in hospitals and kindergartens.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Also, infrared heaters are divided into groups depending on the energy source used:

  • diesel heaters, which require the process of burning liquid fuel. If we talk about choosing an infrared heater with a thermostat to give, this option is not considered at all. Firstly, it is unsafe, and secondly – the unpleasant smell of diesel fuel will not add comfort to your life;

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

  • Gas models are sometimes used to heat a dwelling or ancillary facilities. For the operation of such devices they must be connected to liquefied gas cylinders. To use these heaters, a good ventilation system is required, as well as constant monitoring of their operation. Despite the high efficiency, this option is still not optimal for use in the country, as it hides many dangers;
  • Electric heaters – the most common option today. Such devices consist of a source of infrared radiation and an aluminum or steel reflector, which provides heat transfer in the right direction. This type of heater is often spherical or parabolic.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Helpful advice! Not so long ago, new models of heaters appeared in which the reflector is missing. This is the safest of all possible options, since in this case the panels do not heat up above 90 degrees.

In turn, electric heaters are divided into several types:

  • halogen;
  • carbon;
  • glass;
  • ceramic.

Perhaps one of the most important criteria for choosing a heater is the method of its installation. Given this characteristic, we can distinguish the following types of heaters:

  • floor standing;
  • ceiling;
  • wall mounted.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Floor heaters – the easiest and mobile option. They can be easily carried, rearranged and even transported with them when necessary. The only drawback of such models is a very limited impact area. The choice of floor heaters is quite large. They can be both vertical and horizontal with an infrared emitter, which can also be of various shapes. The device can be placed directly on the floor or have a special rack or platform.

Ceiling infrared heaters with thermostat occupy the second most popular place. Their main advantage is a convenient location, which allows not only to additionally free up space in the room, but also to cover the maximum area for heating.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Today you can buy an infrared ceiling heater with a thermostat that fits perfectly into the design of the room, as many models are similar to lamps. Moreover, options are available even for suspended ceilings. The dimensions of such heaters are 600×600 mm, which allows them to be ideally placed in a standard ceiling cell.

Wall-mounted infrared heaters are often flat rectangular panels that do not clutter up space. If you choose the right place for their location, they are able to cover a considerable area.

Infrared heaters with thermostat to give: characteristics and selection

Helpful advice! You can order custom design of both wall and ceiling infrared heaters with thermostat. The price of such pleasure is high, but a unique design will delight you for a long time.

In order for the heater to maintain the required temperature, as well as to ensure maximum safety of the device, a thermostat is used, it is also a thermostat. It happens that the model you choose does not have a built-in thermostat. Then it is worth considering the option of buying and installing the thermostat separately.

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