Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Create a bright, high-quality lighting in any room will help spotlights for suspended ceilings. The photos presented below demonstrate various options for installing such elements, from which you can choose the best one that suits a specific room. The right choice and installation of lamps is possible only with some knowledge. You must familiarize yourself with the existing types of light sources and their installation rules.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

The subtleties of stretch ceiling lighting

Proper and complete lighting must meet a variety of requirements. It should be:

  • uniform;
  • not distorting the shadows;
  • with adjustable brightness;
  • soft for the eyes.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

The usual Soviet light bulb can not become a full-fledged source of light, because it does not have sufficient brightness and the corners in the rooms will always be shaded. Among other things, conventional lamps are not suitable for modern stretch ceilings, as they heat up too much and can spoil the material. To avoid such troubles, you need to correctly select the spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photos of their types will help determine the choice.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Available in several types of fixtures for suspended ceiling. Photos of the species are listed below. Their main difference is the depth of installation. The most frequently used mortise fixtures, installation of which implies a violation of the integrity of the stretch ceiling. To prevent the fabric from tearing around the holes, special plastic rings are attached to them.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Different lighting elements are divided into three types depending on the level of installation relative to the ceiling. Devices that are installed above the line of tension of the material, create a feeling of glow from inside the ceiling. This is quite a beautiful sight, but this installation has a couple of drawbacks:

  • the power of the received light is not fully utilized, since the main part remains behind the ceiling level;
  • Due to the lack of ventilation between the draft stretch ceiling, such lamps can get pretty hot, so only energy-saving lamps or LEDs are allowed.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Luminaires located on the same level as the tensioned ceiling material have a much higher efficiency of diffusing light than their counterparts, deepened inward. They also have a disadvantage. They can not install a lamp with a capacity of over 35 watts. For some light bulbs, a transformer is additionally required, since manufacturers have not foreseen the possibility of using them from a standard 220V network.

Spotlights for plasterboard ceilings: a stylish light. Universal lighting available. What kind of lamps are suitable for all types of premises.

Installation of transformers is associated with additional difficulties. A failed device is quite difficult to replace, since this would require dismantling a part of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, it is worth buying lamps designed for 220 V.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Light sources located below the tension level of the ceiling material give the strongest dispersion. Overhead lights have great advantages, for the installation of which they prepare a special base. Due to this, in such devices you can use lamps of different types and capacities.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

With the help of special light sources you can recreate a unique “starry sky” effect in your apartment. You can perform such beauty using certain types of lamps with fiber optic strands that can flicker. Unusually look like two-level stretch ceilings with lighting. A photo Such lighting options, located below, conquer their uniqueness and originality.

Helpful advice! If they are used for point lamps of the “minion” type of light bulb, then the calculation of their number is made on the basis of 2-3 m? area of ​​the room for one lighting element.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

The lighting of any room depends on the correct location of the fixtures for suspended ceilings. A photo Accommodation options demonstrate the positive aspects of each. For example, in the kitchen, brighter workplace lighting is required. Therefore, additional point sources of light should be located near the walls where the hob, sink or cutting table are installed. For the dining table will be enough basic lighting.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Illumination of the hall or room for the reception of guests also has some features. In such rooms, a multi-lamp chandelier is used as the central light source. Since its installation is made in the middle of the room, the corners remain in the shade. The location of 3-4 spotlights in each corner of the ceiling will help illuminate the entire hall completely.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

The bedroom does not require the installation of powerful light sources. Here it is enough to light the corners with a few spotlights for suspended ceilings. Photo of bedrooms with this type of lighting, supplemented by a couple of small sconces, demonstrate the warmth and tranquility of the room.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Helpful advice! The lighting of the bedroom can be supplemented with small lamps hidden under the eaves. Thanks to this additional lighting, the room seems more comfortable and much more spacious.

When planning the lighting, special attention should be paid to the children’s room. Light sources located in such a room should be:

  • powerful enough;
  • soft;
  • not affecting vision;
  • interesting baby.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Most often for children use the arc arrangement of lamps. This option is suitable for families where two children are in the same room. While one is busy reading in a well-lit part, the other can rest without too much light. Quite original look with such an arrangement of lamps two-level stretch ceilings with lighting. Photos of children’s rooms with properly located light sources will help you choose the best option for your home.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Proper placement of lighting in these rooms is equally important. Since the corridor often has small dimensions, the correct lighting will help to visually increase the volume of the room. Most often they use the arrangement of lamps in a row, trying to choose small ones in size, but with a rather bright light.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

The bathroom is probably the only room where you can’t go too far because of its small area. It is enough to buy 4-8 point lights for suspended ceilings. Photos of such premises demonstrate different ways of arranging the lighting elements.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Preparation for the installation of light elements begins before the installation of a stretch ceiling. It is necessary to allocate places for their fastening, to lead the wires, to fasten the racks and brackets to support the lamps. After tensioning the ceiling in the film, carefully cut out the holes for the lighting elements. Then with the help of glue they fix a plastic ring, connect the lamp to electricity and stack it in a prepared place.

Spot lights for suspended ceilings. Photo installation options

Helpful advice! When installing point light sources, you need to remember to be careful. The film from which the tension structures are made is quite thin and is easy to spoil.

Such installation can be done independently, even if you plan to install a two-level stretch ceilings with lighting. Photos of finished ceiling structures with point sources of light emphasize the beauty and singularity of such lighting.

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